Zheng Jinrui was a forthright man, and he said straight to the point: "Comrade Qingxue, please be a matchmaker for me. No, it's not trouble, it's please, please! I'm afraid that if I keep waiting like this, I won't be able to get what I want even in the Year of the Monkey."

Lu Jiang reacted immediately and pointed to the room.

Zheng Jinrui nodded heavily and whispered: "Shen Feihong, that little bastard, stinky brat, I tried my best to facilitate his marriage with Comrade Zhou Yulan, helped him arrange work, and supported him to become the deputy director of the factory. He swears by it." He promised me that he would put in a good word for me in front of Comrade Qingxue, but I waited and waited for several years. "

Chen Xueniang had no intention of marriage and had long refused his pursuit on the grounds that she was born in a land of fireworks. But he liked Chen Xueniang, her knowledge and demeanor, her calmness and beauty, and her conduct as a person.

Others always describe the nobility of the lotus as being able to emerge from the mud without staining. Zheng Jinrui thinks this sentence is more suitable for Chen Xueniang.

"I know that some people don't say it, but they just look down on Comrade Chen Xueniang. But I am different. I know what she has gone through, and I only feel distressed and ashamed. If I were a capable person, I would have met her early. I could have saved her from the misery earlier, but it was a pity that I failed at that time and did not recognize her. I think it is not too late now, and I am willing to spend the rest of my life protecting her." Zheng Jinrui's attitude was very solemn, and every word was full of sincere love. , "A person must pursue something in his life. Others seek fame and fortune, but my pursuit is her. I think she is a thousand times more important than the so-called fame and fortune."

When Zheng Jinrui said this, he smiled sheepishly, "I have been pursuing her for almost twenty years, but it's useless enough."

"You are just respecting Comrade Chen Xueniang's wishes." There is no force, just respect.

For such Zheng Jinrui, Lu Jiang expressed his admiration. You know, there are many domineering people in the world who always use the public opinion of the public to put pressure on the other party, regardless of whether the other party is willing or not.

Chen Xueniang didn't want to get married, so Zheng Jinrui had been secretly guarding her. To be honest, he was a man!

Not everyone is willing to spend nearly twenty years guarding a relationship that may not necessarily have a fruitful outcome, especially men.

Zheng Jinrui touched his head, "I just think that a man should look like a man. Forcing won't work, and forcing will definitely not lead to happiness. Comrade Qingxue and Snow Niang have a good relationship. I see, It’s better to have known her a few years earlier than Comrade Wang Cuilan. Like a biological sister, she might be able to persuade Xueniang to change her mind.”

At this point, Zheng Jinrui cupped his hand and said, "Comrade Lu Jiang, please, please, my happiness in the rest of my life depends on whether Comrade Qingxue has the ability to persuade Xue Niang."

Lu Jiang couldn't help but said: "I heard what you said! You have been pursuing Comrade Chen Xueniang for almost twenty years and you have not been able to make Comrade Chen Xueniang change her mind. What ability does my wife have to persuade Comrade Chen Xueniang in just a few words? However, I can make Comrade Chen Xueniang change her mind. Xue will help you find out what Comrade Chen Xueniang thinks of you, so that you can pursue further."

Zheng Jinrui was quite disappointed when he heard the first half of what Lu Jiang said. He clapped his hands immediately after hearing the second part, "I also want to know what Comrade Chen Xueniang thinks of me. Very good, very good! As for marriage, although I asked Comrade Qingxue to be the matchmaker, But I don’t dare to have high hopes.”

I have long said that I will not force Chen Xueniang. I didn’t do it before, I won’t do it now, and I won’t do it in the future.

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