Feng Qingxue didn't know about the conversation between her husband and Zheng Jinrui outside. She was looking at Chen Xueniang's new home.

Very clean and tidy.

Chen Xueniang herself is a woman with a relatively refined life. She has not neglected herself in all aspects because of the lack of supplies. "If it hadn't been for the ups and downs outside, I would have bought a few vases of flowers and put them in the house. They would look good that way."

"One day, I also like to put a few vases in the house, filled with flowers, and feel that the house is full of freshness." Feng Qingxue and Chen Xueniang especially have something in common, "This is the only time in these years. When we put flowers at home, Xibao invited Bernard, the French ambassador to China, to visit us that year. We respect French table manners."

Speaking of Bernard, Feng Qingxue thought about whether to visit him.

However, it is not known whether he is still in the capital.

Chen Xueniang poured water for her. Seeing Feng Qingxue staring at the tea bowl, she smiled and said: "I bought it at the flea market. I have loved visiting the flea market the most since I came to the capital. I found a lot of good things. I also learned With a little knowledge of antique appreciation, this tea bowl is probably from the official kiln during the Yongzheng period. Fortunately, the color is relatively elegant and simple, and it is not eye-catching. If it is something from the Qianlong period, it would be so fancy that someone would have to come and inspect it. Smash it and label me a capitalist life."

Feng Qingxue was shocked when she mentioned the world of difference in aesthetics between father and son Yongzheng and Qianlong.

Confidants, they actually have the same views.

"Qianlong's aesthetics were indeed too bright and fancy, which made me dizzy. A few strokes on the porcelain bottles from the Yongzheng period can outline a natural picture. The patterns on the bottles during the Qianlong period are so dense that there is no white space at all. ”

"Am I right? That's it. Yongzheng, a hard-working emperor who connected the past and the future, actually gave birth to a prodigal son. The prodigal son's preferences were so different that he was often ridiculed by literati in the past." Chen Xueniang felt more and more uncomfortable. Qingxue is her confidant, "But the old man should like things from the Qianlong period, they are colorful and festive!"

Feng Qingxue laughed loudly, the laughter was clear and sweet.

After laughing enough, she whispered: "Those things of yours..."

Chen Xueniang interrupted her, "I brought some gold bars and silver dollars with me when I came here. Now that I have a salary, I don't have to worry about my life. You can collect those things for me first. You can give them to me whenever I want them."

"Let me keep it for you. I can't take it to the army, and I don't feel safe if I stay in my hometown, so I brought it with me when I came to the capital this time."

It was impossible for Feng Qingxue to reveal the secret of the space, so she could only vaguely say that she would stay in her hometown. Even if Chen Xueniang heard it, she probably thought it was buried somewhere, and it was impossible to expose it to the public anyway.

Chen Xueniang also buried the things deep under the corner of the bedroom, digging three feet and three feet.

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Chen Xueniang thought for a while, "Since you brought them all, then give them to me. It's really not a problem for you to take them to the army and hide them at home. It was just inconvenient for me to bring them back. Comrade Cuilan entrusted it to you. If you give it to me, I can't put it in the box or cabinet. I don't know when I'll come and check it in person."

Feng Qingxue immediately handed her the baggage that she had taken off when she came in, "I accepted the jewelry you gave Fu Bao without any courtesy and will use it as a dowry for her in the future. The other things are here. You can count them." "

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