Chen Xueniang took it and put it on the table casually, "What are you counting? It's not like I don't know your character."

"It's better to do an inventory." The brothers settled the accounts clearly, so as not to use this as an excuse to quarrel when conflicts arise in the future.

Seeing Feng Qingxue's resolute attitude, Chen Xueniang glanced at Zheng Jinrui who was chatting with Lu Jiang at the door. She pulled Feng Qingxue and carried the bundle into the bedroom. She sat on the bed and opened the bundle. The room was filled with jewels and jewels.

At a glance, she knew that nothing was missing.

She knew exactly how many things were packed in the bag.

"I just said there's no need to count it, right? You have to let me take the trouble! If I can't trust you, I won't entrust you to keep it." Chen Xueniang complained and took out a string of jade beads and two jade beads from the jewelry box. The green and transparent jade bracelet was stuffed into Feng Qingxue's hand, "I remember you said before that you like jade. Although this string of jade beads and the bracelet do not match, the colors look similar. Take it and let's get through it together. Time, until the country doesn’t care about our clothes.”

How many women in the world really don’t like jewelry? Anyway, Chen Xueniang has never seen one.

Even in the mountains and countryside, before the founding of the People's Republic of China, when it was possible to wear jewelry, peasant women who could afford it would buy themselves silver rings, silver bracelets, and silver earrings, not to mention rich people. Who is not a jewel?

"This is too expensive, I can't have it!" Feng Qingxue said hurriedly.

Chen Xueniang didn't take it seriously, "It's so expensive! In this world, apart from gold, what kind of jewelry is valuable? It's worthless. Anyway, I don't like jade, I like gemstones, especially rubies and emeralds, they are bright and beautiful. "

Feng Qingxue thought for a while, collected the jade, and then took out the set of emerald jewelry she bought in two installments from her bag.

"It's not rude to come back without reciprocating. You said you like gems. By coincidence, I actually have such a good set in my hand. It would be useless if I just leave it in my hand." Feng Qingxue said with a smile, "I'll give it to you if you like it. We will be able to wear them tomorrow. One of us will wear a gemstone and the other an emerald. We will dress up beautifully so that we can live up to the skin that God gave us. "

Chen Xueniang was very discerning and exclaimed as if she had found a treasure. "The quality of this gemstone is really good. It is also an old craft. It is really exquisite. It is better than my emerald jewelry. Then I won't be polite to you."

As for where the emerald jewelry came from, Chen Xueniang didn't even ask.

Not to mention that the Lu family has a lot of background, but they don't have it. With Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue's salary, they can buy some good things in the black market or flea market. It's not like they have no discernment.

There were actually a lot of gemstones and jewelry in Feng Qingxue's space, but they were piled up in a mess and they were not carefully sorted, so they couldn't be found at the moment.

Chen Xueniang wrapped the gold and silver jewelry and locked it in the bedside box. She and Feng Qingxue came out to the living room. Lu Jiang and Zheng Jinrui, who were talking in the yard, finally finished their words and entered the house together.

After hearing that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue said they would go home soon, Chen Xueniang hurriedly stopped pouring water for Zheng Jinrui.

"So soon? We just met."

"Although we just met, we have been out for a long time. If a lot of things hadn't happened one after another, we would have stayed in our hometown now. A Jiang and I were afraid that our two children would cause mischief at home, so we couldn't stay in the capital anymore. They are the youngest and everyone is pampering them, I'm afraid they will be spoiled," Feng Qingxue said with a smile.

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