Fubao burst into tears, crying at the top of his lungs, crying very loudly, rubbing his eyes with his white and tender hands, and while crying, he shouted: "I am Fubao, my name is Lu Tianhui, I am a little beauty, I'm not a clown! I'm a good boy with good hygiene! My brother is so stinky and dirty, he's a stinky kid!"

Lu Jiang quickly put the luggage he just picked up back on the ground, then held his daughter in his arms and lightly kicked Xibao's butt. "Fu Bao, stop crying. Dad beat your brother for you. I'll kick him." He's in the ass."

Fu Bao cried until he hiccupped and was not comforted at all.

Feng Qingxue knew her daughter better. She ignored her son who was rubbing her butt and moved closer to her husband, "Fu Bao, please stop crying. If you cry, you will no longer be a little beauty. A little beauty only looks good when she doesn't cry."

The crying stopped, leaving only the sound of hiccups.

Seeing the tears on her daughter's face, Feng Qingxue felt distressed and funny at the same time, so she took out a handkerchief to wipe her face.

"Our Fu Bao is the prettiest little girl in the entire brigade. My mother really likes our Fu Bao the most. Come on, let's go inside and don't bask in the sun. Mom will feel bad if Fu Bao gets tanned. "

Fu Bao hummed, "I won't give the delicious food to my brother."

Xibao fell behind his parents and sister. When he heard this, he immediately stopped rubbing his butt and jumped up. "Lu Fubao, you are so selfish. How can you not give me delicious food? I will eat it." , I will eat, I will eat!”

He rolled his eyes, moved closer to Feng Qingyun, and stared at the cream cake box.

"Okay, okay, let's talk inside the house." There are so many children outside. You can tell by the size of the carton that the cake is not big. How are you going to divide it? The amount given to them is not enough to fill their teeth.

"Got it!" Xibao understood what Feng Qingyun meant in a flash of his mind.

He took the two cream cake boxes and rushed through the door so quickly that he even forgot about the iron frog that others were winding up.

However, the children who play with Xibao are very nice, simple and innocent.

Father Lu is such a smart and cautious person, so he naturally wants to eliminate those with evil intentions around his grandson.

So when Xibao didn't take the iron frog, Goudan, whose face and body were dirty, handed the iron frog to Feng Qingyun, "Little cousin, give it to Brother Xibao, and we'll come and play with him in the afternoon."

Feng Qingxue heard it in the yard and turned around and said, "Goudan, take it and play with it, and then return it to Xibao when you've had enough."

Goudan was surprised and said loudly: "Thank you, cousin!"

He immediately ran back to the crowd, winding up the clockwork, and said, "Let's continue playing and give it to Brother Xibao before we go home."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of cheers. They all lay on the ground and watched the little frog jumping forward.

In the main room, Xibao went to the cupboard to find a spoon, came back, opened the cream cake box, and gave a spoon to his sister, "Hey, don't say I'm selfish, I'll eat the cream cake with you."

Fu Bao flicked his pigtails and snorted.

"Dad, can you feed me?" The little girl knew that she was eating slowly, so her brother would eat more than half of it.

Feng Qingxue smiled and took the spoon, "Fubao, come here, mommy will feed you, and daddy will take out the radio. We will listen to it first and then send it to the grandpas in the evening."

"Radio?" Xibao suddenly jumped up, "Is it the kind of radio that the grandfathers in the compound have? I want to get in and see who is talking inside! Dad, can you open it and let me in? ?”

. . . I had tin frogs when I was a kid, and I was very proud of them in the 1990s. Although tin frogs were popular in the 1980s and 1990s, they have actually been around for 70 or 80 years now. Please vote, please vote, please monthly vote, it must be because my updates are too stable, so many people don’t vote, I’m crying.

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