How about opening the door to the radio and letting him in to find the person talking?

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were immediately choked by their son's words, and looked at each other, speechless.

In the end, it was Fubao who broke the silence.

"Mom, mom, eat cake!" Feng Qingxue sat on the chair, and the little girl stood between her legs, with her face raised and her mouth wide open.

Feng Qingxue took a spoonful of cake and stuffed it into her daughter's mouth, then took another spoonful and stuffed it into the mouth of her sister next to her.

Feng Qingyun swallowed the soft and delicate cake in her mouth, and was shocked by the sweet taste. She said sheepishly: "Sister, I am an adult. How can I eat food that children eat? Just give me such expensive food." Xibao and Fubao eat it.”

But the cake was really delicious, more delicious than high-end toffee. She had never eaten anything so delicious.

No wonder Xibao always misses the cream cake. She has long known that Xibao has a picky mouth. The cream cake he always misses must be delicious, but she didn't expect it to be so delicious.

"In my heart, you are just a child." Feng Qingxue said softly.

After a pause, she then smiled and said: "We bought several cakes, enough for you to eat. Moreover, you can invite the teacher, Uncle Xu, and Aunt Xu to come over and have one with dad. You can wait for Acheng Tianzhi and Ayu to come back and have one. You can ask Goudan to take one back. You can find a basket, put it in the basket, cover it with a cloth, and put some candied biscuits and malted milk under it, and give it to your cousin. "

Among the cousins ​​of the same generation, she and Wang Jiao walked around the most and had the best relationship. They were used to giving her something delicious.

When he and Lu Jiang were not at home, the young and old in the family wanted to eat some meat as a tooth sacrifice. Before they could ask, Zhang Yuejin would come over and ask them if they wanted something like a pig with a head and a pig in the water, which requires money but no votes.

"When I mentioned my cousin, I remembered that she came to our house soon after you guys went out. When she saw the food you prepared for her, she immediately stopped looking for you. The big girl almost scolded her to death. She said she was lazy and stubborn." Feng Qingyun pursed her lips and smiled, "Sister, you only bought four cakes in total. I will not eat this for Xibao and Fubao."

"Auntie, what are you talking about? Just eat what your mother tells you to eat. It's such a delicious cream cake. You'd be a fool not to eat it!" Xibao directly put the spoon into Feng Qingyun's hand, jumped up to Lu Jiang, and looked at As he took out the beautiful radio from the small box containing the radio, he rolled his two big eyes and asked, "Dad, where is the door?"

He stepped forward and touched it to his left, then touched it again, and then reached out to press the keys. He found it interesting, so he pressed it repeatedly, "Dad, it's different from the radio at Grandpa's house in the compound."

"This is a new type of radio, no way!" Lu Jiang couldn't explain the principle of the radio to him, so he had to tell him this.

"Liar!" Xibao heard a melodious singing voice coming from the radio. He often heard songs praising leaders. Xibao accidentally pressed the treble button and the sound suddenly became louder. He looked at Lu Jiang accusingly. , said loudly: "There are sisters singing on the radio, how can we get in if there is no way? There must be a way!"

"Find it yourself!" Lu Jiang lowered his voice and turned around to see his daughter's shining eyes.

The little girl stopped eating the cake and nuzzled up to her father, "Dad, dad, is this the baby's radio? Can I touch it?"

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