Leave it all to him? How can it be?

When she got up the next morning, Feng Qingxue started to work hard, making noodles, washing vegetables, cooking and cutting the dried meat and bacon.

Lu Jiang had already set off at four or five o'clock, and brought back a piece of pork belly, half a pig's head and some pig bones at noon. He exchanged the rice and white noodles that Feng Qingxue gave him for the meat tickets of the city people, and scraped together to buy them. Two pounds of pork belly.

Mainly just to show off to my family, otherwise I wouldn’t have made this trip.

"That's enough. Let's add some more and make braised pork."

The staple food is rice and steamed buns, and the menu has a lot of items. After all, there are twenty-one old people in the group alone.

In addition to the original twelve elderly people including Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu, six elderly men and women came from Shanghai, including He Qingyin and Ouyang Mo, who was forcibly renamed Ou Mo, and three old ladies came from Huaihai City.

These three old ladies are the companions of the decentralized elderly people in Huaihai City. They are either from wealthy backgrounds or are talented women with a wealth of knowledge.

Therefore, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue planned to have three tables. If they include their own families, wouldn’t they have to have three tables?

There is a table at home, one made by the Lu family, one brought back by Feng Qingxue from her parents' house, and a table and several chairs cobbled together with the good wood sent back.

There just weren't enough benches and chairs, so Feng Qingxue said to her sister: "Xiaoyun, go ahead and ask your uncle to come over for dinner in the evening. By the way, he can borrow some chairs and benches from various households. They don't need to be small, they must be enough for twelve people."

"I know, let's go now!" Feng Qingyun hurried out without even taking off her apron.

Wang Zhengguo was away from home for work, so she ran back and forth several times. First, she borrowed eight chairs and two benches from her fellow villagers' houses, which were enough for twelve people. When it was time to eat at noon, she went to see Wang Zhengguo again. He came back and said, "Uncle said he would come on time in the evening."

Feng Qingxue nodded, "I understand, wash your hands and let's eat. We have to work in the afternoon!"

After lunch, Lu's father, Guan Cheng and others went to work. Feng Qingxue also asked Lu Jiang to go with him to avoid being laughed at at home. She and Qingyun sisters took care of the children at home and steamed buns and cooked food.

The rule of the Wanglou Brigade is to work at sunrise and rest at sunset. As soon as it got dark, everyone came back one after another.

Because they had made an agreement long ago, the devolved old people quickly cleaned up their appearance, brought the gifts they had prepared, and slipped into the Lu family's house through the corner while avoiding others.

Of course, no one was hanging around outside at this time.

Moreover, they live a little far away from other people's homes, right next to Jiang He's group of orphans.

Lu Jiang, Feng Qingxue, Xibao, and Guan Cheng greeted them at the door. Except for He Qingyin, everyone else was familiar with them. In addition, Wen Ruyu was Feng Qingxue's teacher, and Jin Ruochu was from Guan Cheng. Teacher, so accept it calmly.

Hearing Feng Qingxue's voice greeting them, an old lady suddenly shouted and looked at Feng Qingxue with surprise.

"It's you, daughter!" she said.

When everyone was stunned, her husband Bai Yuesheng asked: "Do you know her?"

"I will never forget my daughter's voice. Looking at the description and behavior, it is unmistakable. How do you think the two of us survived two or three days without food? You refused to give me your piece of cake even if I gave it to you. I went to the black market to sell the Chengni Inkstone, but I couldn’t sell it, and I couldn’t exchange it for food. I thought we both would starve to death. Fortunately, this girl was kind-hearted and asked for the Chengni Inkstone and gave me rough noodles.”

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