Bai Yuesheng suddenly realized, "I asked why the inkstone used by Brother Wen looked so familiar. I thought it could be my pure mud inkstone, right? I've been looking at it for more than a month, and because I'm usually locked in the Lu family, I don't have the nerve to use it. Take a closer look.”

"What's the use of an inkstone? You can't eat or drink. When a person is in a desperate situation, surviving is the most important thing."

The old lady said this to her husband, then took Feng Qingxue's hand and shook it, unable to conceal her joy at meeting her savior.

"Perhaps seeing that I was getting older, my daughter couldn't stand my pleading, so she later got me some food. I only paid for chicken blood, stones, pine smoke, ink, copybooks, brushes, etc. They are all treasures in your eyes. , but it was worthless at the time, right? Not to mention it was a troublesome thing even now. The food given by my daughter saved two of our lives. Later, I often visited the black market when I was free, but unfortunately I never encountered it again. Now that you have been sent down again, you thought you would never see your savior again in this life. I didn’t expect... I didn’t expect that God would take pity on me and ask me to meet you here. It’s a life-saving grace!”

Everyone was stunned by what she said. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Even Feng Qingxue didn't expect to meet someone being traded on the black market. What should she do if she felt a little worried? Even if you act ugly, they will recognize you by your voice. Then... won't everyone know your previous behavior? What to do if suspicion arises?

Lu Jiang shook her hand and said there was no need to worry.

The smartest people in the world don't get to the bottom of things, especially when they benefit themselves.

"The Lu family is kind and this child is kind-hearted. It is our luck to meet them." Bai Yuesheng said to his wife Xue Dongmei after understanding the reason. "Now that we have been devolved, thanks to the care of their family, we are more comfortable than living in the city." too much."

Although they are usually tired from work, they do not suffer from both mental and physical torture here.

Xue Dongmei couldn't help but nod, "Yes, it's our blessing."

In just a few days after arriving here, she felt it, as if her shackles were gone.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Come in and talk quickly. Don't stand in the yard. We are tired from working all day. What do we have to say? Sit down and talk. Taking advantage of Xibao's birthday, let's all get together and have a good time. Have a meal.”

"Yes, we also prepared a birthday gift for Xibao."

The gifts are basically the works of the elderly. The Lu family has a complete range of paper, pen and paint. Some of them draw a picture or a fan, some write a calligraphy or a poem, and the elderly who are not good at calligraphy and painting I gave away my own handicrafts, such as clothes and shoes, wooden statues, straw worms, wicker flower baskets, etc.

Xibao wore a new outfit today, navy blue trousers, a white shirt, small leather shoes, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, white skin and red lips. He looked very good-looking, but his shiny bald head made him look even worse.

Although Feng Qingxue always thought her son's skin was dark, in everyone's eyes, his skin was white.

Feng Qingxue quickly put a navy hat on him, and he immediately became more pleasing to the eye.

"Xibao, you have received so many gifts, thank you like your grandparents." Feng Qingxue reminded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Bao burst into tears and pointed at Xi Bao's new clothes, which were very different from those he had seen before. He breathlessly said, "Mom, my brother has new clothes, and I want them too. I also want!"

"You have it too, you have it too!" Feng Qingxue was afraid of this, "Your clothes are better-looking than my brother's, let's go, mom will wear them for you."

Fu Bao immediately burst into laughter.

. . . My niece is someone who is called black or ugly. She either cries or ignores them with a straight face all day long. She must wear a skirt, secretly put on lipstick and wear high heels. I praise her every day that she is a little beauty, so apart from her father, everyone She likes me. She is two years and seven months old. She has a good personality and a sweet mouth, but she is pretty and squeamish. Asking for votes, recommended monthly tickets

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