Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1023 Returning to Mother’s Home 4

Xibao's birthday is a reason for everyone to get together for dinner, so everyone's main task is to eat, drink, talk and laugh, and they don't care at all about the rules of not talking about eating or sleeping.

Seeing the table full of food and wine, the old people were all moved.

Although it is not as good as when they were young, it is no less than delicacies for them now.

"You guys are taking too much trouble." He Qingyin said, and she felt distressed as she was used to calculating carefully.

This meal today will eat enough food for two people for a month.

Feng Qingxue said with a low smile: "A Jiang and I have some connections, some connections, and the salary is not low. Senior sister, don't say these kind words, seize the opportunity to eat while it's hot, we have to work early tomorrow morning! Look at the future of the year "The Wanglou Brigade has another bumper harvest this year. Senior sisters and ladies, don't worry about food. You can always have enough to eat here."

Speaking of the good year, Wang Zhengguo was telling everyone: "This summer will definitely have a bumper harvest. You have all seen the wheat here. The wheat ears are big and the grains are full. As long as the weather is good, the granary will be full."

"Was it not so good in the first two years?" Lu Jiang asked.

"Yes, since Xiaoxue and Xibao left, the harvest of our brigade has not been very good. If it weren't for the surplus grain, we might not be able to fill our stomachs." Wang Zhengguo frowned, "I remember that there were a lot of troubles in the first few years after Xiaoxue got married. During the famine, our team lived half full on the surplus grain. After she got married, the harvest got better and better every year. Even the harvest went smoothly, especially the year Xibao was born. I recently looked through the account books. , and found that the harvest that year was the highest, a full 20% more than the usual harvest. "

After hearing these words, Lu Jiang couldn't help but laugh: "Is Xibao a lucky star? Qingxue and I took him home this spring, so the brigade's harvest became better?"

Wang Zhengguo said sternly: "Don't believe it! I have visited other brigades. In some places, there are no wheat kernels in the wheat ears at all, and there are only shriveled shells. In some places, the wheat is either half withered and half dead, or it is sparse and cannot be grown. Okay. Before you came back, the crops in our brigade were not growing well. If you don’t believe me, ask your father. There was no rain when the wheat was planted in the early winter. We had to rely on manual irrigation. There was not enough water in the river. A few snowfalls in the first year prevented drought. However, there were a few rains later in the year, and the growth was a little better. As a result, the weather was hot and cold, even colder than in previous years, and the cotton-padded jackets came out a month later than in previous years. Without earing, we all thought it would be a failure this year. Little did we know that when you came back, the ears would grow like crazy when they should be. "

Uncle Xu nodded and said: "Ajiang, your uncle is right. At the beginning of the year, every household frantically dug wild vegetables, dried them, and put them away. They were afraid that this year's harvest would not be enough and the remaining grain would not be enough to feed everyone. The ground was full of vegetables. The crops only improved after you came. Seeing the wheat fields gradually turning yellow, my fellow villagers were very happy, but I didn't think about you. "

Lu Jiang's eyes widened in surprise, "Is he really so awesome? Don't promote feudal superstition!"

"What kind of feudal superstitious thoughts? Are you talking nonsense and letting outsiders hear it? Will it benefit us?" Wang Zhengguo glared at him, then lowered his voice and said: "The originally hopeless crops suddenly turned prosperous. The old men in our brigade found it strange. Qian'er secretly went to see Blind Shan and called me. What do you think Blind Shan said? "

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