Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1024 Returning to Mother’s Home 5

Single blind man?

The old people here didn't know who this person was, and neither did Lu Jiang or Feng Qingxue. Probably no one under the age of fifty in the Wanglou Brigade knew Blind Shan, but Father Lu had heard his parents mention Blind Shan's abilities.

Blind Shan was a Feng Shui master and had excellent talents in metaphysics. However, because he revealed too many secrets, he suffered from five disadvantages and three shortcomings. He had no wife and children, was blind in one eye and lame in one leg, and was left with nothing. With no money to live on, he hid alone in the mountains and wilderness, hiding his name and not being attacked by the outside world.

"What did Blind Shan say?" Father Lu asked.

Wang Zhengguo coughed and lowered his voice and said: "Under the leadership of your old man and me, he touched the place where your ancestors' graves were. He also stopped for a moment at the door of your house and said that your descendants will be the generals and prime ministers. It will be an honor." It will bring blessings to the Wanglou Brigade. I know the birth dates of Xiaoxue and Xibao, and the old man has to ask me to tell Blind Shan so that he can figure it out."

Lu Jiang frowned, and Father Lu understood, "You are talking about the third uncle, right? The Lu family is the only one in his nineties who has the closest relationship with our family. He has indeed dealt with Shan Xiazi before. , Blind Shan helped him avoid two disasters, so he had no doubts about Blind Shan’s ability.”

Wang Zhengguo nodded and said: "Blind Shan said that the direct branch of the Lu family originally had the honor of being a general or a prime minister, but the heirs were not prosperous. The so-called glory was cut off at the end of the day, and there was no successor."

"Nonsense!" Father Lu was very unhappy, saying that the Lu family's lack of heirs was really the most vicious curse. Their family was now very prosperous, with four grandchildren, and some unborn daughters-in-law.

"Listen to me, why are you in such a hurry!" Wang Zhengguo asked Lu Jiang to pour himself a bowl of Wenbai Kai, and after moistening his throat, he continued in front of everyone's curious eyes: "But all this changed seven years ago. He said that Xiaoxue was a variable, but he was vague for a while and couldn’t explain clearly. Then he directly said that the fate of Xiaoxue and your family are intertwined and are inseparable, which has changed the fate of your family’s lack of offspring. "

Feng Qingxue heard this and couldn't help but look at her uncle, feeling uneasy. Could it be that the blind man saw something?

The vague content of the blind man means that the owner of the birth date is dead?

Just listen to Wang Zhengguo continue: "Blind Shan also said that Xibao was not supposed to be born, but when he was born, this was a change. He said that he had extraordinary luck and had good luck in his life. He could be lucky even if he was in trouble, and he could be lucky even if he was in trouble. "

Father Lu said: "The last sentence sounds like a personal statement, and the previous one is nonsense again. What shouldn't be born? A Jiang and Xiaoxue are made in heaven. Isn't the birth of a child a matter of course?"

Wang Zhengguo spread his hands. He didn't know why the blind man said this.

"Uncle, what else did Blind Shan say?" Feng Qingxue couldn't help but ask, seriously, if she had to understand this god in the uncle's mouth.

Wang Zhengguo thought for a while and said: "Oh, Blind Shan told me that the mandarin duck book you wrote when you and Ajiang got married must be burned. Let Ajiang burn it. Burn it at your parents' graves, and you have to kowtow to apologize. , because the above information about your birth date is not accurate, it is not a mandarin duck letter between you and A Jiang, and keeping it will harm the luck of the Lu family. "

Lu Jiang immediately said: "The birth date and birth date of Qingxue in the Yuanyang book are not correct? Then it must be burned and cannot be kept."

He married Feng Qingxue. This beautiful, kind and talented woman in front of him, even if it was the birth date in the Yuanyang book, he could not tolerate it being not hers.

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