Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1025 Returning to Mother’s Home 6

Feng Qingxue was moved when she heard Lu Jiang's words, because she understood Lu Jiang's thoughts.

Wang Zhengguo said: "Blind Shan told me to do so, so I must do it. However, I am wondering, I clearly remember that it was Xiaoxue's birth date and eight characters, and I wrote them on red paper after she was born, how could it be wrong?"

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "You may not be present when my mother gave birth to me, right?"

Wang Zhengguo nodded, and it was indeed when his brother-in-law asked him to write it down when he sent brown sugar eggs and other things a few days after his niece was born.

In the countryside, people would ask someone to write down the birth date and eight characters of their children in preparation for marriage.

"That's it, it's not your fault if I remember it wrong." Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief.

She was most afraid that blind Shan would calculate something, time travel, what an incredible thing!

She told Lu Jiang the secret of the space, but she didn't dare to confess the origin of the time travel.

Wang Zhengguo put aside the matter and smiled: "What makes me happiest is that blind Shan praised Xibao. With him, everything goes well and everything goes as planned. Isn't this a lucky star?"

Lu Jiang turned his head and looked at his son who was pestering Jin Ruochu. Lucky star? Him? Obviously, his wife is the lucky star of the Lu family, right?

Without that magical space, how could the whole family have enough food and clothing? How could they save so many people and make countless good connections.

"Uncle, blind Shan is wrong. How could it be Xibao? It's obviously Qingxue."

After listening to his son's words, Father Lu nodded aside. Their family has been getting better and better since Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue got engaged.

Xibao, Xibao is just taking shelter under the wings of her parents.

Wang Zhengguo pointed at Lu Jiang and said, "You, about you, come, come, come, tell me how you thank me! Your third grandfather has your birth date and told it to Blind Shan. Blind Shan said that you were destined to be a general, sick, and childless, but the greatest good fortune in this life was to marry a good wife, and your fate has changed dramatically since then. It is said that you have five children in this life, four boys and one girl, seven grandsons and no granddaughter. Well, Fubao will definitely get what she wants. She will be the only daughter of the Lu family. Let's wait and see!" "Really?" Not only Lu Jiang was extremely surprised, but his father couldn't help asking. "Of course, Blind Shan said it." Wang Zhengguo nodded. Lu's father hurriedly said, "Ah Jiang, pour wine for your uncle and take the chopsticks." Lu Jiang did as he was told. He should be grateful to Wang Zhengguo, otherwise he would not have the happiness he has now. After Wang Zhengguo finished drinking and eating, Lu Jiang said, "Although Qingxue is pregnant with her third child, the family planning policy has been put on the table, but it has been shelved due to the recent chaos. So, I am skeptical of what Shan Xiazi said." Wang Zhengguo interrupted him, "Family planning? Since ancient times, people have emphasized having many children and grandchildren. Why do we need family planning? Don't the higher-ups know that our rural economy and medical care are all backward? If it weren't for the fact that our brigade has always had doctors in charge over the years, many people would have died every year? Especially children, those who were just born and those who have grown up for several years. I can't remember how many died before this." Lu Jiang said, "The country must have its intentions in proposing this policy, and it must be a measure that has been taken after various statistics." Wang Zhengguo curled his lips. Guan Cheng suddenly asked, "Uncle, is Shan Xiazi the lame old man who stood at our door for a long time that day? I remember that he touched my brother for a long time without saying anything. Is there something wrong with my brother?"

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