Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1031 Making something out of nothing 2

A cruel look flashed in Lu Jiang's eyes. He raised his foot and was about to step forward, but was pulled back by Feng Qingxue.

"Those two old ladies are fighting, what are you doing as a grown man? It's all in the past, I haven't suffered any losses. I will tell you slowly from now on, and I don't mean to hide it from you."

Lu Jiang held her hand tightly and said distressedly: "How much hardship have you suffered before? I really regret that I didn't meet you earlier."

Feng Qingxue said softly: "Since I met you, I have never suffered again. A Jiang, it's great to meet you."

Although this era was so thrilling and supplies were extremely scarce, she was still very grateful to God for allowing her to meet Lu Jiang, the man she had been attached to for the rest of her life.

They had just arrived at the intersection, and were still some distance away from the onlookers and Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong's sisters-in-law.

So, don’t worry about anyone hearing their sweet words.

Aunt Feng, who was still watching the crowd, ran over quickly with a look of surprise on her face, "Xiaoxue, you are here? When did you come back? I heard that you took your children to the army and haven't been home for several years. , he is also a soldier. He came back at the end of March or early April and then went on a long trip. "

"Second Aunt!" Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue shouted together.

"Hey, hey!" Second Aunt Feng agreed repeatedly and repeated the question just now.

Feng Qingxue replied: "I just came back two days ago. I planned to visit my second uncle and my second aunt more than a month ago, but Ajiang and I took a long trip because of something, so we postponed our plan to visit my uncle and aunt."

"We can eat and drink, what's there to see? Why don't you bring your children over for us to see?" Aunt Feng looked behind them for a moment, but couldn't see the child's shadow, so she couldn't help being disappointed, "Hong Ling Niang came back from a visit to her parents' house and said, "Your two children are very cute, just like those people made of snow."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "The two children are playing crazy at home and don't want to go out."

Lu Jiang was very suspicious when he heard that his wife had wrongfully accused two children with a casual sentence, but he did not expose his wife's lie. Looking at the situation in the Caohu Brigade, he was secretly glad that he did not bring his children here.

Children like to imitate adults. Seeing Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong fighting like this, Xibao must learn quickly and well!

The situation of Caohu Brigade is far worse than that of Wanglou Brigade.

Although I felt this way six or seven years ago, the feeling is even stronger now, and it is impossible to ignore the huge difference between the two.

Even if the harvest in the past two years is not good, Wanglou Brigade is developing better and better. On the other hand, Caohu Brigade is a lonely and desolate scene. Along the way, I saw the crops belonging to Caohu Brigade. It is indeed as Wang Zhengguo said, not Half withered and half dead, it is sparse and sparse. It is a blessing to see that one acre of land can yield 150 jins. The average output of the Wanglou Brigade can reach 300 to 400 jins.

Even if they were watching the excitement, everyone's faces were full of sadness.

"It's too hot outside, let's go home!" Second Aunt Feng pulled her niece and passed Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong, who were fighting again. "It's not easy for you to come here and let you see such a joke again."

Feng Qingxue didn't care. She had no relationship with her brother and sister-in-law for a long time.

"Aren't they always working together? Why have they turned against each other now? Just listen to Zhao Guihua bite each other." Feng Qingxue turned around and saw that Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong were fighting harder, and no one stepped forward to stop the fight.

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