Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1032 Making something out of nothing 3

Aunt Feng said with a smile: "It's just the meat thing that has caused such a fuss! Feng Lei and Zhao Guihua saved money for more than half a year. A few days ago, they got up in the middle of the night and went to the city. They bought a whole pair of pig heads and came back. They cleaned them with salt. Marinate it and eat it when the farmers are busy, so as to save energy from work. Who would have thought that Li Guohong actually stole it last night? People find it funny, using the excuse that the child is sick and wants to eat meat, which child can eat a pig head? "

"Wait, second aunt, Feng Lei? When did you change your name?" Feng Qingxue had a flash of doubt in her eyes.

Second Aunt Feng said, "The names have been changed. The eldest is Feng Lei, the second is Feng Yu, and the word "Qing" in the middle has been removed."

When she heard that Feng Qingxue didn't call them brother and sister-in-law, she knew that Feng Qingxue had no feelings for them, so she just called them by their first names without saying anything about "eldest brother, second brother, or sister-in-law," which was very discerning.

Whether or not to change the name didn't mean anything to Feng Qingxue, and she didn't ask about the reason for the name change.

She didn't ask, but when she arrived at her second uncle's house, Second Aunt Feng still told her the reason.

"At the beginning of the year, a group of students came to us to make a revolution. The students in the city said that the name Feng Lei Feng Yu was frivolous and did not comply with the regulations, so they ordered them to change it to Feng Lei Feng Yu. Removing the word "Feng Lei Feng Yu" meant removing the old culture and old ideas. In addition, it had to be called Feng Lei Feng Yu. Our brigade handed over the landlords to be criticized and educated. Our brigade is famous for being in a poor place. Where did the landlords come from? They just said it was a political mission and ordered you to tie up the uncle and get a landlord out. "

Feng Qingxue frowned, "What happened next?"

Aunt Feng sighed, "You have good intentions, but if you don't want to, I was dismissed from the cadre position and replaced by Li Chengdong, an old bachelor, saying that he is a representative of farmers and a role model for work. After becoming this cadre, , Li Chengdong immediately married a yellow-haired girl, causing a mess in the brigade, and even tied up your uncle and pushed him out, saying that he is the landlord! "

"That's nonsense. Who doesn't know that the second uncle has been a poor farmer for eight lifetimes?" Feng Qingxue was so angry that she slapped the table so hard that it hurt so much that she immediately flicked her wrist and blew.

"You're angry when you're angry. Why are you hitting the table? Let me see if it's red." Lu Jiang looked at her carefully and blew her again.

Second Aunt Feng smiled when she saw their behavior.

Feng Qingxue's face was a little red. When she learned that her second uncle was not at home, she gave the gift first.

Looking at the candied candies and biscuits taken out from the basket, Aunt Feng rubbed her hands on both sides of her blouse, "Why is this so embarrassing? Xiaoxue, you have two children at home, leave them for the children to eat, why did you bring them to us? "

"I haven't been back for several years, so how can I be empty-handed? I'd like to give my second uncle and second aunt some support, and don't be polite to my niece. Besides, we will return to the army next month, and we don't know that we will see each other again in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse. Uncle and Second Aunt." Feng Qingxue pushed the thing forward, "How is the second uncle doing now?"

Aunt Feng sighed heavily again, "What good can happen if you are regarded as a model? We ordinary people dare to be angry but dare not speak out. Li Chengdong is so arrogant now. Anyone who says no will have their work points deducted or their work points reduced. He recorded work points and said that he was following orders from above to complete political tasks. Every time he criticized and educated Mr. You, he asked Li Guohong to come on stage to speak. "

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