Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1034 Making something out of nothing 5

Under the surprised look of Aunt Feng, Lu Jiang struck the match and pointed at the corner of the Yuanyang book. Feng Qingxue continued to recite silently in her heart: "Feng Qingxue, it is your birth date, not mine, so today I have to Come and burn it on the advice of an expert. From now on, no one will use your birth date, and you have nothing to do with my husband. "

Suddenly, the Yuanyang book turned into ashes and scattered in the wind.

Aunt Feng suddenly opened her eyes wide, because she saw that the flames had just reached a corner of the Yuanyang Book, and had not yet completely burned. Even if the flames burned, the Yuanyang Book could not be completely burned in a moment, and there could not be any ashes!

Both Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue saw this scene, and the latter thought: "Feng Qingxue, is it you? Is it you?"

There was no sound around, except for the gentle breeze blowing through the grass and trees.

Lu Jiang quickly said to Aunt Feng: "The weather is hot, and it's a big red paper, so it burns very quickly."

"What are you burning?" Aunt Feng asked. She didn't see the writing on the red paper and didn't know it was a Yuanyang book.

Feng Qingxue stood up and pulled Lu Jiang up, explaining: "It's just a big red paper. Because I haven't come to pay homage to my parents since I got married, and the current world doesn't allow grave-sweeping, so we couldn't buy yellow paper, so we looked for it specially. A piece of big red paper instead."

Aunt Feng didn't have any doubts after hearing this.

"If your parents see that you are now living a good life with both children, they will definitely be happy."

Feng Qingxue said, "Not necessarily!"

Based on the patriarchal character of Feng's father and Feng's mother, it is more likely to exploit and oppress her daughter who is married outside. In their view, a married daughter is just thrown away water and has nothing to do with her mother's family anymore, but they also It is reasonable to ask that the water thrown out must always remember the brothers from the mother's family, otherwise it will be unfilial.

Second Aunt Feng didn't understand what she was thinking, and was about to ask when she heard Feng Qingxue say: "Second Aunt, let's not talk about them anymore. Let's go to the second uncle's house. The second uncle still lives in the same place, right?"

"Yes, he still lives in his own home, but the furniture and objects in his home were smashed until nothing was left."

Absolutely nothing!

As soon as she entered Feng Shuan's home, Feng Qingxue found that there was nothing in the house. The house was completely empty, with no bed, no chairs, no table, and no bowls, chopsticks, cups or plates in sight.

When she first arrived here, she often went out and would occasionally leave her sister at Feng Shuanzhu's house, so she knew what his house was like before.

Seeing Feng Qingxue, Feng Shuanzhu and his old wife, who were sitting on the floor in the house, were both surprised and happy. Then their expressions changed, and they quickly stood up and pushed them out, "Come on, come on, don't come to our house, don't give me anything." You are causing trouble!"

"Second uncle, second aunt!" Feng Qingxue grabbed the second aunt's bony hand and felt her weak pulse. Her nose was sore and she almost shed tears. "Ajiang and I came to see you, but we were turned away. What does it look like outside? Ah Jiang, come on, bring the basket, I’ll find some food for you, haven’t you eaten for a long time?”

Lu Jiang immediately handed over the basket, and Feng Qingxue reached under the coarse cloth, first took out two white-faced steamed buns from the space and handed them to Feng Shuan, who said to the old couple, "Second Aunt, go home and pour some hot water. Don't choke." Grandpa and auntie.”

Second Aunt Feng agreed without saying a word, "I'll go right away, and you can stay with your uncle and aunt."

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