Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1035 Making something out of nothing 6

After Aunt Feng left, Feng Shuan and his wife refused to take the white-faced steamed buns they had not seen for a long time.

"No, no, there are people staring at us every day!" Feng Shuan shook his hand and was stuffed with steamed buns.

"Second uncle, although Ajiang and I are powerless in many things, it doesn't mean that we really have no abilities at all! We really want to meet this Captain Li Chengdong who came out of nothing!" Feng Qingxue said from He tore off a small piece of the steamed bun in his hand and stuffed it into the second aunt's mouth, "Eat something first, then we can have the strength to talk."

With tears in her eyes, the second aunt said, "Good people, there are still good people in the world. Your second uncle and I have fallen into this situation. Many fellow villagers don't have enough to eat at home, but they still take turns delivering meals to us, secretly coming and going at night. Come on, your uncle and aunt are like this too."

"Second aunt, if you and the second uncle eat theirs, you can eat ours. Eat quickly. After eating, we can do the next thing."

"Yes, Second Uncle, Second Auntie, Qingxue and I will take care of this matter." Lu Jiang's anger has reached its peak. "Second Uncle, after you have eaten, you can write a complaint and I will send it to you." Go to the top, if the commune cannot send it to the county committee, and if the county committee cannot send it to the municipal committee, if it is still ignored, then send it directly to the capital!"

Feng Qingxue smiled slightly, "How can we send the capital to alarm the old leader? The second uncle and the second aunt will have to live here in the future. Let's go to the commune to ask for an explanation. If not, we will meet with the county committee!"

Lu Jiang is no longer an ordinary soldier. Which cadre at all levels in Huaihai City should not give him some face?

Element? In the face of absolute power, it is nothing but a piece of paper.

No matter how many people make accusations, no matter what the ingredients are, they are never worth the words of the old leader. This is the fact that the Lu family did not experience the tragedy of the previous life during this period.

In the previous life, even with Wang Zhengguo's protection, it was difficult to resist external orders.

After hearing what Lu Jiang and his wife said, Feng Shuanzhuo and his wife were stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Aunt Feng came over with water and happened to hear these words. She said to Feng Shuanzhi: "Second uncle, have you forgotten? Ajiang and Xiaoxue are both capable people. The news has long been spread throughout the Wanglou Brigade. They were popular in the past two years. Didn’t Ling Niang tell her when she went to her parents’ house? Who in our brigade doesn’t know what kind of commander Ajiang is in the army now? Xiaoxue is also a soldier, has achieved first-class merit, and has met the old leader! Xiaoxue's father-in-law and her uncle went to the capital to visit her, and were received by the old leader. Even the cadres in the city came to visit and inquire about them. They went to the cowshed to pay homage to the calligraphy treasures and theirs that the old leader gave to Ajiang's father. Photos!”

Feng Shuan patted his head and remembered.

At that time, Father Lu returned from the capital. He was still the captain of the Caohu Brigade. He also went to Wanglou Brigade with a team organized by commune cadres to pay homage to the old leader's calligraphy and photos, and also inspected Wanglou Brigade's crop fields.

It's not unreasonable for Wanglou Brigade to be taken seriously. Every year, the crops are better than those around them.

"My background is iron-clad. The county committee knows it. It was a political task assigned by the county committee. A large group of students in the city insisted on asking our brigade to hand over the landlords. However, how can there be any landlords in our brigade? Although there are They are rich farmers, but they are good people, and I can’t bear to push them out. My ancestors worked hard for several lifetimes and saved a few acres of land, and then they were pushed out as landlords.”

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