Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1036 Making something out of nothing 7

Feng Shuanzhu was already in tears when he said this, and he didn't even have the strength to speak. He was finally willing to tear off a small piece of white flour steamed bun with trembling hands, eat it, and took a sip of the water handed over by Aunt Feng.

Feng Qingxue frowned, "I remember that our Feng family is basically all poor peasants, not even upper-middle peasants."

Feng Shuanzhuan nodded, "Yes, although my family has a few acres of land, our family had a large population at that time and the harvest was not good. It was not enough to eat for a whole season. We still had to rent land or work for others to make a living. So Classified as poor peasants.”

"Who did you rent the land from? Doesn't it mean that there are no landlords in Caohu Brigade?" Lu Jiang asked.

Feng Shuanzhu replied: "The land in Caohu Village is barren, and we may not be able to receive the number of seeds planted during the harvest. Just like the crops in the field this year, a large area has died, and the ground is white all year round. Fifty pounds of wheat Once the seeds are planted, most of them will not be recovered. Therefore, many people do not rent land in Caohu Village, but rent land in other villages.”

After a pause, Feng Shuanzhao said to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue: "You are cadres of the army. It is rare for you to go home. Don't get involved in these muddy waters, lest others notice your father's status again."

Compared to him, the fake landlord, the real landlord Lu Zhiyuan is much more dangerous.

"Don't worry, we know what to do." After Lu Jiang finished speaking, he turned to Feng Qingxue and asked, "Qingxue, did you bring the paper? Take it out and let the second uncle write a complaint."

"I have it, I have it, it's in my bag." Even if I don't have it, I have to say I have it, not to mention that there is always paper and pen in the bag.

Lu Jiang rummaged through his canvas satchel, and sure enough he found paper and pen, a pen or a pen.

"The pen that the old leader gave me back then." In fact, it wasn't used much. It had been stored in the space. After she came back, she took it out and put it in her shoulder bag, using it as one of the things to protect herself.

As soon as they heard that it was given by the old leader, Feng Shuanzhuo, his wife and Aunt Feng both expressed their admiration.

There were no tables, chairs or benches at Feng Shuanzhu's house, so he lay on the floor and wrote. His wife put the remaining half of the steamed bun in her pocket.

"How should I write it?" Feng Shuanzhu didn't know how to start.

Lu Jiang often made reports, understood the format of the complaint materials, and squatted beside him to teach him. It was nothing more than name, age, ancestors' status, etc., and then came the main content of the complaint.

"I am a poor peasant, not a landlord!" This sentence is the main content of the complaint materials.

Feng Shuanzhuan wrote this line tremblingly, tears streaming down his wrinkled face. He sniffed, took the ink pad box from Lu Jiang, and pressed his own button on the complaint materials. Fingerprint.

Lu Jiang collected the complaint materials and said, "Let's leave now. The sooner we resolve the matter, the sooner we can rest assured."

"Thank you, Ajiang, for troubling you and Xiaoxue." Feng Shuanzhuan burst into tears of gratitude. He never thought in his life that a little kindness to Feng Qingxue and his sisters would be the rope that pulled his couple out of the sea of ​​misery. .

"Second uncle, you are welcome. You are innocent and you should not be treated like this."

The second aunt's reaction was to wipe the tears from her face.

When Feng Shuanzhuan and his wife sent Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue to the door of their house, they saw Li Chengdong rushing over with a group of strong laborers. While taking long strides, he said in a rough voice: "Without my permission, Li Chengdong, Who dares to come into contact with this bad guy in my territory?”

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