Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1037 Making something out of nothing 8

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue simultaneously blocked the two elders behind them and looked at the group of people who came to them in a moment.

Li Chengdong, who was surrounded by people and introduced himself to his family, was a middle-aged man in his forties, short and thin, with a natural deer-headed mouse eyes, and his eyes were filled with the arrogance of a villain, mixed with greed and cunning.

When they arrived in front of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, Li Chengdong glanced at Feng Qingxue.

In the past few years, Feng Qingxue has lived in the army, even on business trips, and in and out of formal occasions. Naturally, she looks neat and tidy. She only looks ugly when going to the black market with Lu Jiang or when she goes out alone.

At this time, although she did not dress up deliberately, she was still elegant, beautiful and dignified.

Under her brilliance, everything is nothing.

"How outrageous!" Lu Jiang blocked his wife by himself. His stern voice forced Li Chengdong and others to retreat hurriedly.

Thinking that he was a cadre of the Caohu Brigade and had nothing to fear, Li Chengdong puffed up his chest and said maliciously: "Who are you? Dare to run wild on my territory, Li Chengdong? You are asking everywhere to find out who I am, Li Chengdong!"

Before he finished speaking, a strong man behind him tugged on his sleeve.

Feng Qingxue recognized this strong man as Hongling's husband Guo Guangcheng, but she didn't expect that he would hang out with Li Chengdong. Is it true that people flock together and birds of a feather flock together?

"What are you doing?" Li Chengdong said angrily.

Guo Guangcheng whispered: "Captain, they are from the Wanglou Brigade, Army Commander Lu Jiang! He is in charge of tens of thousands of soldiers in the border defense force, and he is a big shot who all the municipal party committee cadres must respect before him. His wife is Our daughter from Caohu has achieved first-class merit after joining the army, and the old leader personally visited her. "

Li Chengdong suddenly remembered and pointed at Feng Qingxue, who was blocked by Lu Jiang, "Are you Feng Qingxue? The sisters-in-law of Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong? You have become unrecognizable to me! The two of them and you My brother took my food and then changed his mind, making me a joke all over the country, but I'm going to catch you."

Guo Guangcheng, who reminded him before, kept winking at him. Didn't you see Lu Jiang's angry look?

There was no need for Lu Jiang to ask. It turned out that Li Chengdong was the old bachelor who forced his sister to marry in the stormy days. Now that he heard his foul language, he stepped forward and kicked him to the ground, and then removed his jaw. .

"Ah Jiang!" Soldiers who hit people for no reason will be punished!

Feng Qingxue stepped forward and grabbed the furious husband, "We have a hundred ways to deal with such a person, don't make fun of your own future! You are a jade bottle, and he is a stinky rat. How can you kill a person just because of it?" It only hurt the jade bottle!"

Lu Jiang turned around and gently pushed her towards Second Aunt Feng, "Second Aunt, please take Xiaoxue and uncle and aunt into the house, and leave this place to me!"

The punishment of the troops?

His wife was molested, let alone a punishment, even if he was dismissed from his position, he would still have to say this for his wife!

Lu Jiang rubbed his wrists, his wrists and finger joints crackled, his expression was cold and stern, and he was fierce. However, Li Chengdong's jaw was removed, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't say a word, and his saliva flowed all over the floor.

. . . Routine ticket request, monthly ticket recommendation ticket

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