Seeing this scene, Guo Guangcheng and others who were following Li Chengdong were so frightened that their legs became weak and they remained motionless.

He had no intention of stepping forward to help or breaking up the fight. His eyes were blank and the look of fear was even worse than on Li Chengdong's face.

Li Chengdong held his chin with one hand and pointed at Lu Jiang with the other. His triangular eyes were full of resentment, which made Guo Guangcheng and others groan in secret. He was indeed an old country bachelor who had never traveled far and had no experience at all. They all followed him. He has already said who the person in front of him is, and yet he still dares to speak rudely. Isn't this looking for death?

Regarding Lu Jiang's attempt to beat up Li Chengdong, no one present felt it was inappropriate. If a man swallows his anger when his wife is being teased, he will be a coward and will make people laugh.

Although Li Chengdong's words are not very explicit, in this era, those words are considered to be extremely teasing.

Feng Qingxue shook off her second aunt to hold her hand, stepped forward and hugged Lu Jiang tightly.

"A Jiang, calm down! If you are punished by the army for this matter, I will never forgive myself in my life!" Feng Qingxue was angry and anxious. She knew the rules in the army best and was even more worried about Lu Jiang who was angry. The attack was heavy. No matter whether Li Chengdong was injured or not, as long as he reported it to the army, Lu Jiang would be given a demerit in the least case and dismissed in the most serious case. Half his life's efforts were in vain, "Hitting is not the way to solve the problem. A Jiang, I am also a soldier. Li Chengdong’s dirty words and insults to soldiers should be dealt with by the country!”

Zhengchou can't find a reason to deal with Li Chengdong, isn't this coming to his door?

His wife was pregnant, and Lu Jiang did not dare to struggle, fearing that he would bring her down if he moved too much, so he supported his wife with his backhand. After thinking about it, he looked at Li Chengdong who was pointing at him angrily with a serious look on his face. He sighed and spat out a mouthful. saliva.

"Consider him lucky!" He wished he could stab him with a knife and kill this bastard who almost forcibly married his wife seven years ago.

"How can we make him lucky? Of course we should strike while the iron is hot and send him to the commune. If the commune fails, he will be sent to the county or city. If you don't give me an explanation, I will definitely not be willing to do it! As a soldier, I am still a pregnant woman, and I will return to my parents' home. If he suffered such a humiliation in one trip and let him get away with it, I wouldn't let Feng Qingxue suffer. That's not her nature.

It just so happened that they could hand over Feng Shuanshao's complaint materials. In this case, it would be unjustifiable if the commune did not give justice to Feng Shuanshao and remove Li Chengdong from his post.

Ready-made reasons were given, the right time, the right place, the right people, everything was missing.

For people like Li Chengdong, if you don't hit him within seven inches, he will continue to spit out poisonous messages.

After his wife's reminder, Lu Jiang immediately sent Li Chengdong to the commune. The people who were following Li Chengdong suddenly dispersed, and no one came forward to say a kind word to Li Chengdong.

Feng Qingxue followed Lu Jiang to the commune. As soon as she entered the office, she heard crying from under the handkerchief covering her face.

"Are all the cadres from the commune here? Well, I would like to ask, how are the cadres of the production brigade below selected? We have been in the army for many years, and we have worked hard and dare not slack off. We abide by national regulations and the guidance of the old leaders. Thinking about it, after finally taking two months of family leave, I was bullied like this when I went back to my parents’ home? Why did they insult an old poor peasant like me with dirty words just because we were visiting my parents’ parents? Bing, what are you going to do?"

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