When the farming season is not busy, there is no need to go back to work in each house. The commune cadres are very leisurely and are gathering in the office to drink tea and chat.

Suddenly they saw two soldiers, a man and a woman, escorting Li Chengdong, who had been in the limelight recently, in. Immediately after some clear and touching accusations, Secretary Zheng and Township Chief Chen of Shuguang Commune jumped up immediately, "What's going on? Two comrades."

"Today I am going to ask all comrades whether they are not clear about the situation of the various brigades below or are they just pretending to be deaf and dumb and only focus on drinking tea and chatting?" Feng Qingxue put down the handkerchief covering her face and took a The tearful face became even more beautiful, with a rather pitiful air, "This Li Chengdong insulted me, an active female soldier, just because he was the captain of the Caohu Brigade. This was in front of my revolutionary comrades. If my revolutionary comrades If he is not here, will he be in trouble? "

Lu Jiang threw Li Chengdong to the ground and said in a deep voice: "In the era of abolishing the old feudal ideas, this person, seven years ago, colluded with my revolutionary partner's natal brother-in-law and wanted to marry my partner by force in exchange for food. Fortunately, my partner was brave and resourceful and prevented him from succeeding. After marrying me, he enlisted in the army and became an honorable medical soldier. Today, seven years later, when we returned to the Caohu Brigade to visit relatives, this man actually identified himself as a member of the Caohu Brigade. The captain of the brigade is making wild claims, saying that Caohu Brigade is his territory! I would like to ask all the comrades who serve in the commune, is Shuguang Commune your territory? "

Secretary Zheng waved his hands hastily, "No, no, absolutely not, of course not! The country is the people's country, and the commune is the people's commune. Where are the words Shuguang People's Commune hanging on it? How can it be our private territory? You two Comrade, let’s talk it over, what are the surnames of these two comrades?”

After entering, it was only then that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue formally performed military salutes and announced their names, "Lu Jiang, Feng Qingxue."

Secretary Zheng quickly shook Lu Jiang's hand, "Ouch, it turns out they are Comrade Lu Jiang and Comrade Feng Qingxue. We have admired their names for a long time."

Township Chief Chen, Deputy Township Chief Wang, a secretary, two clerks, a minister of armed forces, a militia battalion commander, and two propagandists, a total of nine people stepped forward to shake hands with Lu Jiang one after another. They shook hands very tightly. They all showed proud expressions, and their attentive attitude was completely different from the casual attitude when the couple entered the door just now.

Since Feng Qingxue was a lesbian, Secretary Zheng, Township Chief Chen and others did not shake hands with her, but only greeted her.

While Secretary Zheng asked Lu Jiang and his wife to sit down, he asked the militia battalion commander to take Li Chengdong down, who was drooling all over the floor. Then he patted his chest and said to Lu Jiang and his wife: "What grievances have been suffered by these two comrades, just tell me, absolutely." Don’t let the two comrades suffer.”

"Don't, don't say that. This is not a matter of taking advantage of the situation or not. We have business affairs. We can't let this place become my hall just because we are of high rank." Lu Jiang took out Feng Shuanzhu's complaint materials and said, " Today, there are two incidents. Li Chengdong made obscene remarks and insulted a pregnant female soldier. The circumstances are very serious. You must have an explanation for this matter. "

Secretary Zheng said hurriedly: "Of course, of course, don't worry, we will not condone Li Chengdong's bad behavior. Insulting soldiers, the regulations are clear, and you will not be leniently spared!"

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