Feng Qingxue held a handkerchief and pressed the corners of her eyes, looking like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

She was extremely beautiful, and when she looked like this, everyone felt that she was wronged.

"I haven't returned to my parents' home for seven years after I got married. Today, on a whim, I wanted to go home and take a quick look before I returned to the army. After all, this is the place where I was born and raised. Before I married my revolutionary partner, I had been living there with my sister. There is a constant concern. Who would have thought that the whole Caohu Brigade was in such a mess that an old bachelor who was not diligent in his work and was indifferent to people was appointed as the captain and took power, and the two former captains were ruined. Human-like!”

Lu Jiang handed the complaint materials to Secretary Zheng and Township Chief Chen, "Both comrades took a look at the complaint materials of Comrade Feng Shuanzhu. The old leader said that we must seek truth from facts and not cheat. Comrade Feng Shuanzhu is a poor peasant. , that was settled a long time ago. How come he, a poor peasant, became a landlord when all the land belonged to the state?”

Secretary Zheng asked in surprise: "Is this happening?" He looked in disbelief.

Lu Jiang glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile, "Comrade Feng Shuanzhu, as the captain of the Caohu Brigade, before he was framed, he often came to the commune for meetings, right? Why, several comrades didn't recognize him? I don't know. What is his composition? Don’t tell me that I don’t believe it, even a three-year-old kid doesn’t believe it.”

Secretary Zheng and Township Chief Chen coughed a few times at the same time, a little embarrassed.

You look at me, I look at you, and I don’t know what to say for a moment. The person in front of me is not an ordinary person, and he cannot be fooled by just a few words.

"This matter..." Secretary Zheng waved everyone else out. Only the mayor and deputy mayor were left in the office. "To tell you the truth, Comrade Lu Jiang, we can't control this matter at all. If we can, why?" We cannot allow Comrade Feng Shuanzhao to be framed like this. This matter is a political task assigned by the superiors, and Li Chengdong was directly promoted by the superiors without the consent of our commune." He pointed to the superiors and whispered. He spit out the word "county committee".

Deputy Township Chief Wang whispered: "It was because Comrade Feng Shuanzhao was disobedient and failed to complete his political tasks, that's why he was removed. At that time, people were in panic, and the entire commune was in chaos. We had too much time to take care of ourselves, so how could we have the energy to care for others?" ?”

Township Chief Chen then said: "That's right, Comrade Lu Jiang, you really can't blame us for our lax supervision in this matter. We are also very helpless. Although we are all rough guys, we still know a few words and know right from wrong." , how could it be possible to choose an illiterate Li Chengdong as the captain? So what if he is a representative of the farmers? Does he know how to keep accounts and assign work? The current Caohu Brigade is a mess! He has been favored by the higher-ups. He can be so deft when it comes to flattering people, shouting slogans so loudly, and doing things so quickly."

After hearing these words, Feng Qingxue frowned and looked ugly.

Chen Xiangchang sighed, "We don't have his ability, so we can only protect ourselves for the time being and don't dare to meddle in others' affairs."

Secretary Zheng stopped what Mayor Chen was saying, "But today the two comrades brought Li Chengdong to our door and gave us a reason to replace him. They insulted the soldiers and falsely accused the poor peasants of being landlords, which was enough to make him unable to stand up."

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