Feng Qingxue glanced at Secretary Zheng, "Didn't you say that Li Chengdong was promoted from above? Can you replace him without the consent of above? If you don't have this right, Ajiang and I will go directly to the municipal party committee to save you money. trouble."

Upon hearing these words, Secretary Zheng and the two township heads laughed immediately.

"Replacement cannot be decided by us without authorization. We have to report it." Township Chief Chen explained carefully, "The evidence of Li Chengdong's crime is conclusive. Those who promoted him will only feel embarrassed. For the sake of their own future, they will definitely not To defend Li Chengdong, besides, why does he, a member of the county committee, prove Li Chengdong’s innocence?”

Although Mayor Chen didn't explain it clearly, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue understood it instantly.

Secretary Zheng glanced at Township Chief Chen and said, "Okay, okay, it's so complicated, let's not mess with it!"

Mayor Chen stopped with a smile, picked up the enamel jar and took a sip of water.

After swallowing a sip of water, he suddenly remembered that Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had walked over in the hot weather. It seemed that they had not drank a sip of water since entering. He quickly got up and washed two enamel jars, poured water for them, and handed it to them.

"Drink water, drink water, look at my brain, you two drink water first, let's talk slowly."

Deputy Township Chief Wang saw that Township Chief Chen was much more enthusiastic towards Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue than Secretary Zheng, and couldn't help but glance at him.

Township Chief Chen was not aware of his colleagues' opinions of him. After Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue drank water one after another, he said: "Two comrades, Comrade Feng Shuanzhao was maliciously framed as a landlord and Li Chengdong insulted active women. Leave the matter of the soldiers to us, and we will definitely give an explanation to Comrade Qingxue and Comrade Feng Shuanzhao.”

Feng Qingxue said calmly: "I hope these comrades will keep their word and don't let an old man who has worked hard for the Caohu Brigade regret it for the rest of his life! The old leader is most concerned about the living conditions of the people. Whether it is me or my father-in-law and uncle, in the The old leader always asks the most questions about the people. To be a teacher of the people, you must first be a student of the people. This is the old leader’s original words. We have always kept them in mind. As people’s cadres, it is not. Should it be better?"

The three cadres present suddenly remembered that despite Lu Jiang's high rank, Feng Qingxue had been to the capital and was received by the old leader, and Li Chengdong was simply looking for death.

After the couple said goodbye, Secretary Zheng and the two township heads returned to the office, staring at each other.

Township Chief Chen broke the silence and said: "I just said that Li Chengdong is not a thing. You said at the beginning that he had never seen the world. He was just an old bachelor in the country who sat in a well and watched the sky. The villain is a bit arrogant when he succeeds, and he cannot make big waves. Now Well, a huge wave suddenly hit us, and the boat we were on was submerged!"

Secretary Zheng said: "Li Chengdong is a villain. Isn't it a happy thing for him to be unlucky? Let's seize this opportunity to punish him, so as not to point fingers at us because we think we are a captain! Bah, what the hell!" "

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