Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1051 Causes and Consequences 3

Seeing her husband's surprised look, Feng Qingxue was actually a little proud.

You are always so calm and collected when encountering problems. Are you surprised now? Are you feeling incredible about the future economy?

"Economic development and inflation, what's so surprising?" Feng Qingxue didn't hide anything from him, "The housing prices in that era were crazy. Wages could never keep up with housing prices. A house in the capital city would be expensive. Tens of millions, tens of millions, the most expensive ones are the courtyard houses, they are sky-high prices, there is no market for them, even the large courtyard houses with the level of cultural relics in the 1980s were sold for several million!”

Speaking of this, Feng Qingxue clapped her hands and said, "Yes, a courtyard house! The sky-high price of a courtyard house is priceless. If we can buy a big courtyard house, we will live very comfortably in our old age. We must save the gold and keep it." Buy a courtyard house. In the future, when girls get married, many of them will require the man to have a car and a house, just like now they require three turns and seventy-two legs. If we really have four sons like the blind man said, we have to save up quickly. Money, prepare a house for your sons and grandsons, so that they will not be able to marry in the future! The most important thing is Fubao. With the improvement of marriage laws, pre-marital property is very important to girls. If she does not live a satisfactory life after marriage, she does not want to return to her parents' home. Get your own house so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Her thoughts have developed decades later. The more she thinks, the more she talks.

Lu Jiang finally swallowed the piece of goose meat in his mouth, "Can houses be traded freely?"

Nowadays, it is not possible to trade freely. Real estate is the responsibility of the housing management office. Cadres and workers in all government agencies, factories, etc. are allocated houses by their units and pay the rent, water and electricity bills themselves. There are not many people who own private houses, but very few. Recently, The movement confiscated many houses, leaving many people homeless.

Feng Qingxue also felt that she was ridiculous, thinking too far-sighted, and said with a smile: "We will be able to trade freely in more than ten years. It is too early to say this now. Just wait and see. The country is developing at a speed far faster than What you expected.”

The secret has been hidden in her heart for seven years, and Feng Qingxue turned into a talkative person, telling Lu Jiang endlessly about what happened decades later.

Lu Jiang suddenly interrupted her, "You said Tianjun's nephew Cheng Shuye is also a general? He and Jiang Xiaoyue are a loving couple? No wonder you are so good to Jiang Xiaoyue. When you learned that they were together, you acted like I'm happier than anyone else. I was puzzled at that time because you were acting so unusually and were in a hurry to visit your parents-in-law."

"They have a very good relationship, but they have no children. I reminded Xiaoyue to pay attention to her health in this life, and the master nursed her back, saying that she recovered well. I hope they can have their own children in this life, regardless of gender."

After listening to his wife's words, Lu Jiang reached out and grabbed her hand, "Thank you, wife, thank you for everything you have done."

The person Lu Tianjun and Lu Tianzhi should be grateful most in this life is by no means themselves, but Feng Qingxue, because the appearance of Feng Qingxue changed the fate of the Lu family and allowed the children to have a carefree youth.

Although Feng Qingxue did not elaborate, Lu Jiang could definitely imagine the difference between the two lives.

Without Feng Qingxue, without Xibao, without the good relationships that Feng Qingxue has forged one after another, under the protection of Wang Zhengguo and others, even if the Lu family would not be as unlucky as the surrounding landlords, they would not be as leisurely as they are now. comfortable.

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