Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1052 Causes and Consequences 4

Feng Qingxue was a little embarrassed and withdrew her hand, "Stop saying the same thing all the time. What are you grateful for as a family? Tianjun Tianzhi and the others are all my children. Hurry up and eat, and let's go see if Blind Shan is there." Leave something behind."

Lu Jiang was worried about her leaving, so why wasn't she worried that he would leave suddenly?


After the two had lunch, they rested for a while and then got up and hit the road.

Blind Shan lived in seclusion in a nearby mountain village, and it was a very remote mountain village with few people. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, most of the villagers moved to other villages, leaving only Blind Shan living in a cave.

"How do you know he lives here? My uncle never mentioned it at the time." When they arrived at the entrance of the cave, Feng Qingxue looked curious.

"I was very naughty when I was a child, and I was no less generous than Xibao now. I often gave my parents a headache, and I was beaten a lot for this. I heard my elders mention the skills of the blind man, and I was very curious, so I ran to find him. Then When I was ten years old, I came with my eldest brother without telling my parents. Of course, the eldest brother was also very curious. The eldest brother asked him about marriage. The blind man looked at his eldest brother and sighed for a while, saying that he was destined to die young. , There was no room for redemption. My eldest brother didn’t believe it at the time, so he pushed me forward.”

Lu Jiang hadn't thought about the past for a long time. He only remembered this past event after hearing Blind Shan's assertion about his family.

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Have you ever seen Blind Shan? What did he say about you? I never heard you mention it."

Lu Jiang coughed and said, "It's the same as what my uncle said. The blind man said that I was destined to be a bachelor without a wife or children. I would live in pain all my life until I die. I was young at that time, so I felt Bachelor is not a good word. I saw a lot of bachelors in the village, and none of them had a wife. They were very pitiful, so I got angry and yelled at him. I said, "I also want a wife, I want a wife." Son, you said I don’t have a wife, you have to pay me a wife!’”

"I will compensate you for your wife?" Feng Qingxue covered her mouth and her eyes turned into crescent moons. "So you have done this kind of thing. Did the blind man compensate you? Whether you can get a wife or not, that's your business. You Why do you blame a blind man? How can he compensate you?"

Lu Jiang said plausibly: "Didn't he just compensate you for one and give it to me?"

"Me?" Feng Qingxue pointed to her nose, confused.

"Yes! I think your arrival may have something to do with Blind Shan."

Feng Qingxue's expression changed, "What did you say? When I told you about my origin, why didn't you mention a word?"

Lu Jiang's eyes rolled around, until Feng Qingxue couldn't wait and slapped him on the back of his hand, and then he hesitated and said: "I can't remember the details. The blind man can't stand my fuss. It seems like I grabbed his beard and refused to let go, so he nodded and said he would give me a wife. "

"How to pay for it?"

Lu Jiang thought for a while, "I remember he asked me my birth date, written it on a piece of paper, folded it, put it in a red bag, put it in an iron box, and asked me to bury it with my own hands under a tree at the entrance of the cave. Beneath the roots of the tree, I kneel three times and kowtow!”

"That tree?" Feng Qingxue pointed to a tree at the entrance of the cave.

After taking a closer look, she found that it was a very old tree, but it was already dead.

"That's this tree!" Lu Jiang tried his best to recall, asked Feng Qingxue for a piece of iron tree, and started digging according to his memory. He dug three feet into the ground but found nothing. "Maybe I remembered the location wrong. I try again."

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