Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1053 Causes and Consequences 5

Lu Jiang hehehehehe continued digging, while Feng Qingxue poked her head into the cave to take a look.

The cave was empty, with only a bed, a few dishes, and a pair of dishes. There was an earthen stove and a small iron pot on the stove piled in the corner. Other than that, there was nothing else, including the clothes and bedding that the blind man had worn during his lifetime.

Feng Qingxue looked at it and saw no clue, so she turned around to see Lu Jiang digging to the third location.

Suddenly, there was a sound caused by the collision of iron tools from underneath the iron rod!

Feng Qingxue immediately came forward and saw Lu Jiang dig out an iron box from inside.

According to what Lu Jiang said, twenty-five years had passed, but the iron box was not rusty. When it was dug out of the soil, it was as clean as new. There were lines drawn with cinnabar on it, which looked very mysterious.

"That's it! It's not rusty? The blind man is indeed an expert!" The iron box had no lock, and Lu Jiang opened it smoothly.

"Hey, there's more than one piece of advice in it!"

A red brocade bag, a letter, and five almost identical mutton-fat white jade gourds.

Feng Qingxue picked up the kit and Lu Jiang opened the letter.

"Eh!" Feng Qingxue was stunned when she saw the two birthdays on the red paper in the kit. One was Lu Jiang's, she knew, and the other was her own, the birthday of her previous life.

Lu Jiang finished reading the letter and handed it to Feng Qingxue, "Blind Shan said he expected that we would come to him, so he left the letter in advance."

"What did the letter say?"

"look by youself."

Feng Qingxue exchanged the tips bag and the red paper with birth date and birth date with him, and then opened the letter.

The paper is good paper, rice paper, the ink is good ink, Hui ink, the handwriting is flying and phoenix dancing, very accomplished.

The letter was written very simply, mainly about the calculation of two birth dates.

One is from Lu Jiang, which means that if you don't encounter that opportunity, you will be doomed to die alone, die of pain and have no successors. This is basically consistent with what Wang Zhengguo and Lu Jiang said.

The other one is Feng Qingxue's birth date, which is exactly the same as the one on the red paper, with the birth date and destiny written on the back.

Feng Qingxue only saw the last line of words. Her life span ended on a certain day of the month in 2018. It was the day she traveled through time. The difference was that she came here without knowing it, but it said she died of homicide. .

Killed? Feng Qingxue was stunned.

"I..." he stammered: "How could I die of homicide? I rarely have grudges with others. I seemed to have arrived here in my sleep after purchasing a large amount of supplies. I was very tearful at that time. "

"Look down." Lu Jiang said.

Blind Shan gave a detailed explanation in the letter. He said that he had been greatly favored by the Lu family when he was young. Now that Lu Jiangqiu came to the door, he would reluctantly help him and find him a daughter-in-law, so that the Lu family would have no heirs. fate.

But he is a human being, not a god. He can only use metaphysics to seek opportunities for change.

The night before Lu Jiang came to see him, he watched the sky at night and found that one of the baby girls born nearby was destined to be Lu Jiang, but it was not a marriage. Her birth dates did not match. This girl also died young, but she had a bright future. A girl with the same name and surname were destined to be husband and wife. Their birthdays matched each other, but they were far apart in time and space, and there was no chance of them meeting each other in their lives.

Fortunately, there is a slight pull between the girl in the future and the girl in the present, and they will merge into one when they die. The premise is that there must be an introduction here.

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