Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1054 Causes and Consequences 6

This introduction is the red paper in the kit, specifically referring to the birth dates of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

Therefore, as early as when Lu Jiang was ten years old, the blind man made a plan to closely connect the two people's birth dates. The two people's birth dates were so good that they complemented each other, and their life spans and fortunes would be closely linked. ,With the total death.

Lu Jiangdao: "Look, Master Shan also said that he had dealings with your ancestors. Your family is also a virtuous family. It has accumulated a lot of bad virtues and should not have died like this. That's why you got this opportunity and got this opportunity." A gift from God, it will change the situation of the Feng family having no successors, and it will also change the fate of many people, and its merits are immeasurable.”

"The Feng family has no heirs? Yes, if I really died because of homicide, then the Feng family does have no heirs. I am an only child and have no brothers or sisters, so I will inherit all the property of my parents and my grandparents. Some jewelry, calligraphy and paintings left behind. If I die, the Feng family will be extinct." Feng Qingxue frowned, "But I have no grievances in the past, and I have never thought about killing him in the future. You will be a thorn in others’ side.”

Lu Jiang sighed and held his wife's shoulders, "Master Shan is dead. There is no solution to this matter."

Since there is no solution, we can only give up.

"If you let me know who wants to harm me, see if I don't kill him!" Feng Qingxue said angrily, with a stern look in her eyes, "I consider myself to be good to others all my life, and rarely do evil to others. I am a law-abiding person. Laughing at people, how could something like this happen to me? I really want to go back and find out!"

"That's not possible!" Lu Jiang said, "What should I do if you go back? Aren't we just afraid that you will leave suddenly? Now we can finally feel relieved. Master Shan has written it clearly in the letter."

Blind Shan finally confessed in the letter that the white jade gourds in the box were magical objects or jade given to him by the Lu family. He carved them with his own hands, which symbolized future generations and good fortune. There were five of them in total, and they were cultivated in Feng Shui. There are already more than one Jiazi in the hole, which can be given to their five children to ensure their safety.

"Five children? Is it really four boys and one girl? Why are there so many children?" Feng Qingxue put the iron box and everything in the box into the space. In this world, you can't wear any jewelry. human eye.

Looking at Feng Qingxue's bitter face, Lu Jiang couldn't stop laughing, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Although he really hoped that his wife would give him a litter of piglets, it was his wife who suffered the pain of pregnancy for ten months and the pain of childbirth, so he felt that he should let it happen.

Seeing how knowledgeable he was, Feng Qingxue finally felt better.

The two of them couldn't find Blind Shan's grave. They came here on an impromptu basis and didn't ask Grandpa Lu San or Wang Zhengguo, so they paid their respects to the cave where Blind Shan lived and went down the mountain to go home.

"You said before that we stored the grain in the cellar under the cowshed before we left. Did you tell dad?"

There are so many old people and scholars in the family who are not good at work. There is no need to think about work points. When the time comes, the rations will be halved. How can we survive on that ration alone? Therefore, we must pretend that we have a way to get some food for them.

Lu Jiang slapped his head, "I've been so busy lately, I really forgot about it."

Seeing his wife looking at him sideways, as if she was saying he was a pig, he couldn't help but said, "Didn't Tian Juan and Jiang Xiaoyue tell dad about their marriage? However, I changed my mind about the food."

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