Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1055 Providing wealth and food 1

Change your mind? Feng Qingxue tilted her head and looked at him.

Questions abound.

"Although dad is indeed extremely smart and should have had doubts about your methods of obtaining food and your ability to hide things, he would never have guessed that you had such an origin and such a magical space. There is no need for us to confess to him. . Wife, if one less person knows your secret, there will be less danger.”

When Lu Jiang said this, he solemnly said: "You have to remember, there are only two of us in the world who know your secret. Never let a third person know, even if it is our father and our children, even if our father will never cheat. Hey, we can't take any chances. Let him guess as long as we know it. There's no need to break it down."

Feng Qingxue was very moved. To be honest, she didn't want a third person to know the existence of space and the secret of time travel.

If Lu Jiang hadn't figured it out, she would have died in her stomach.

"How do you get the grain? Where do you put it? You can't bury it under our bed. Over time, it will easily become damp and moldy. Even if it is placed in the west side room, if it is not exposed to the sun for a long time, moisture and insects will occur. I said before that it should be placed in the cow The cellar under the circle is made of glutinous rice juice mixed with Sanhe soil and is airtight, so the food is not easily affected by moisture and can be stored for a long time. "

Lu Jiang thought about it carefully and said, "I'll discuss it with dad tonight and ask for his opinion." He has been away from home for a long time and doesn't know much about the situation at home, especially about storing food.

"Okay, we've discussed it. Let's go out early and come back late for a while to bring back some food." It's just more troublesome.

After dinner, Lu Jiang followed his father to the cowshed, and after putting Xibao to sleep, he told Father Lu about the difficult situation at hand, "Qingxue and I tried every means to get some grain, all in the name of loss. You see Where would it be better to put it?”

Father Lu pointed directly at the cattle pen, "It would be too eye-catching to put outside. Anyone who comes in can see it, so hiding it in the cellar is the safest."

"Isn't there a lot of gold and silver in the cellar?" Lu Jiang had already thought of the cellar here, but he found it inconvenient and was in a dilemma. "Although there is still some space in the cellar for us to store food, the food is easily affected by moisture. What should you do if the books and paintings that you have managed to hide are infested with insects? Compared with gold and silver, books, calligraphy and paintings are more precious to you. "

Father Lu glanced at him sideways, "Can't we just clean out the things in the cellar?"

Lu Jiang looked innocent, "Clean it up? You said it very lightly. Where should I put it after cleaning it up? Where can I have this cellar? You have been guarding the cowshed for so many years, aren't you just guarding these belongings?"

There is indeed a cellar under the brigade's granary, but isn't that the brigade's? They are hiding food now just because they don’t want people to know.

"I don't care anyway, that's a matter between you two. You can hide it wherever you like."

"What do you mean?"

Father Lu stretched himself, took in the slippers his daughter-in-law made for him, walked to the bed where his grandson was sleeping soundly, and lay directly outside his grandson without even looking at his son. "How do I know what I am?" What do you mean? You are the head of the family and you make the decision. If you clean the cellar and put food in it, the cows will be in the pen today. If you do this, you will disturb them."

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