Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1056 Providing wealth and food 2

Lu Jiang was stunned and wanted to ask his father what he knew, but the other party had already pretended to snore.

When Feng Qingxue heard what Lu Jiang said after returning, she couldn't help but said: "Dad said it to this extent. Not only did he know it in his heart, he simply guessed the truth. A Jiang, I don't think we need to hide him. "

"Then tell him? But telling him the old man is an added danger." Lu Jiang scratched his head, feeling distressed.

It’s really embarrassing to have a father who is too smart, because many things cannot be hidden from his piercing eyes.

After thinking carefully, Feng Qingxue whispered: "Since we are a family and dad is our family's Dinghai Shenzhen, then tell the truth to dad, only talk about space, not about resurrecting the body. Only the two of us in the world know the secret behind it. "

Lu Jiang was startled, "Qingxue, you..."

He knows his wife's secretive heart better than anyone else, and she has always kept her secrets tightly hidden.

"Carry out the things from the cellar, and then move some grain in. There must be a lot of movement when you go out and in. We are all wasting time and energy. You also said that dad is not an outsider. Could it be that dad knows the secret and goes out to replace it? If we make it known to everyone, isn't that going to end our family? Just tell Dad not to tell the fourth person."

Lu Jiang complained: "Tell me, why is dad so smart? Can't he just spend his old age in a muddleheaded way like an ordinary old man?"

Feng Qingxue said unceremoniously: "If dad hears what you said, he will definitely give you a stick on the head. He must kill you, the unscrupulous son! Without our dad, would our family be where it is now? You were so reckless before. Very, very single-minded!”

"That's right. It's better for a dad to be a smart dad. A smart dad will definitely know what to say and what not to say."

Lu Jiang is also worried that after his wife leaves, the family will not have enough food to eat, and the elderly will have to live frugally. In fact, in the absence of non-staple food, the rations simply cannot fill the stomach.

"Okay, just tell dad. Don't tell the fourth person." Lu Jiang said.

Feng Qingxue nodded slightly, "I will use the sewing machine to sew some large cloth bags tomorrow. You should work harder and put all the rice and white flour into the cloth bags, and then wash some jars, clay pots and other containers, so that the original packaging will not be lost. I saw the clues.”

"Okay!" This must be noted.

In the second half of the night of the next day, standing in the cellar that had been opened to let the wind pass through, Father Lu listened to what his son and daughter-in-law said, nodded and said: "The universe is vast in the sleeves, and the sun and the moon are long in the pot. I guessed that Xiaoxue probably had a Treasures like the Universe in the Sleeve. God was really kind to our Lu family, and allowed Xiaoxue to marry into our family, which changed the fate of the Lu family and countless people. "

Then, he warned: "This is a God-given treasure that comes from a miracle. You two are young and don't know the sinister nature of people's hearts. This matter will be rotten in your stomach from now on. You must not let any fourth person know about it, including your own biological children."

"Don't worry, dad. If we didn't want to store some food at home and have to transfer our family property, we wouldn't even tell you."

Father Lu glared at his son who was speaking, but saw him opening a small box of mahogany mother-of-pearl while talking.

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