Wang Lingzhi thought about Guancheng's reaction in many ways, but she never thought that Guancheng would not even give her a chance to listen to her. Before she finished speaking, she saw Guancheng Yiqi Juechen's figure.

There is nothing to say to such a person, Guan Cheng thought to himself.

He has rejected Wang Lingzhi several times, not once or twice, but eight times out of ten.

After three years, who has the patience to deal with her?

Even though Guancheng was extremely graceful in his conduct, he disappeared under Wang Lingzhi's repeated harassment.

Thinking of some people's remarks, Guan Cheng felt ridiculous.

For his own good? Do they know what they want? Do you know what you want to do? All of them forced themselves to agree to a marriage they didn't want to agree to in the name of their own good.

The only people who are truly good to him are the Lu family, Lu's father, Lu Jiang, Feng Qingxue, and Lu Tianjun. Over the years, they have always understood him, supported him, helped him, and never forced him to do things he didn't like. Parents may not be able to reach their level, so Guancheng engraved this kindness deeply in his heart.

Jin Ruochu, who was responsible for digging through the garlic on the floor, saw him running over with sweat on his face and couldn't help but said: "Why are you running so fast? It's like a dog chasing a rabbit. The sweat that comes out has to be replenished by drinking water."

"Look at how vulgar your words are, who is the dog? Who is the rabbit?" Wen Ruyu held on to the straw hat Feng Qingxue bought for him.

While drinking water, Jin Ruochu said: "Our elegant Acheng is just a little white rabbit chased by a dog. As for who is the dog, I don't know. I have to ask Acheng."

Guan Cheng said innocently: "I was worried that everyone was thirsty, so I ran a little faster. It has nothing to do with dogs chasing rabbits."

If you admit it, doesn't it mean you admit that you are a rabbit? He is not that weak, he just doesn't want to continue to tangle with Wang Lingzhi. It would be bad if he was seen. It has to do with the style of men and women.

After hearing this, several old people laughed, drank water, and continued to stir up the garlic spread on the ground.

This year, the Wanglou brigade has had a bumper harvest of garlic. The garlic grown in each household's private plot is naturally taken care of by each family. Many of them are directly braided and hung under the eaves to dry. The Lu family built more than a dozen garlic stalks. But the labor force in the brigade has to take care of the more than ten acres of garlic grown by the brigade, and the garlic heads have to be cut.

These garlics are sold to supply and marketing cooperatives, which then deliver them to urban food stores and sell them to urban residents.

They don't grow vegetables and don't pay public grain, so what do the people in the city eat?

In addition to receiving the task of supplying ginger, garlic, fruits and vegetables this year, the Wanglou Brigade must dry the garlic in a cool place before sending it over. The moisture on the garlic skin must be dried, and the garlic must be picked. There must be no incomplete or damaged garlic. Half, unsightly, and other fruits and vegetables have to be picked early in the morning before dawn and sent to the supply and marketing cooperative, or directly to the city.

Wang Dachun came over and looked through it for a while, then said to Guancheng: "It's almost done. Put it in a basket and put it on the truck. It will be sent to the supply and marketing cooperative in a while. The tasks are completed one by one, and the wheat will be harvested soon. We can't just wait and see. These are some garlic.”

Guancheng agreed, "Uncle, don't worry, I will lead everyone to complete the task as soon as possible."

Wang Dachun is Feng Qingxue's cousin. The children of the Lu family all call him cousin, just like Xibao Fubao. The relationship between the two families is so good that they have already removed the cousin name, which makes them feel closer.

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