Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1069 The ruthless flowing water 4

Wang Zhengguo knew that Guancheng was a disciple of Jin Ruochu, so he gave Guancheng the task of leading this group of elderly people to work.

There are about twenty old people, enough for him to manage.

Wang Dachun particularly likes the children of his cousin's family. As his mother said, dragons give birth to dragons, and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes. No child is simple. Tianjun joins the army and Guancheng studies medicine. What's the future?

"Why should I be worried? You can take a few people to pull the flatbed truck and bring it with the bamboo basket. The remaining people will pile the garlic together and wait for the truck and the bamboo basket to arrive so that they can be easily loaded into it." Wang Dachun gave some instructions. , and was about to say something else, but saw his youngest son running over, stumbling and crying.

"Dad! Dad!" Xiaodouzi's voice was extremely high, and his face was covered with tears mixed with dust.

"What's wrong?" Wang Dachun squatted down, pulled up the lapel of his coat and wiped his tears, and said funnyly: "Look, you're crying like a little cat. Didn't you play in front of your house? Why are you crying? Tell dad."

Xiaodouzi let out a cry and cried even more sadly, "Brother Shimo took away the little tin frog that Brother Xibao gave me!"

Xibao is now interested in radios. Except for the toys that Chen Xueniang gave him, he kept all the toys. Except for the tin frog that he dismantled, he gave away the little tin frog and the little tin rooster that Feng Qingxue bought for him. They were given to children who were about the same age as him or younger than him and who had a good relationship with him. Xiaodouzi, who was one year younger than him, was one of them.

How else to say that Xibao is popular? This generosity and energy alone are unmatched by many people.

Wang Dachun felt a headache when he heard the word "stone mill".

This Zhao Dabao is the lifeblood of his aunt's cousin Chen Cancan. He has suffered three disasters since he was a child. The old people in the Zhao family thought that the name was causing trouble. The name of Taibao couldn't suppress him, so they gave him a nickname of Shimo. The Wanglou Brigade is really disgusting.

Wang Fengqiao had a straightforward temper and didn't like her grandson. She sent him back several times, but he was always sent back the next day.

To put it bluntly, the Zhao family is selfish.

Although Wang Jiao often went back to her parents' house to eat and drink because her husband's family couldn't bear to eat dry food, Zhang Yuejin knew it well. As long as his wife returned to her parents' house, he would bring some pig offal and free meat to her, never empty-handed.

Chen Cancan is different, she doesn't look like Wang Fengqiao's daughter at all.

Her husband, Zhao Tiezhu, worked in a power plant, and she lived in a dormitory of seven to eight square meters. She left her three children at her husband's house to be taken care of by her mother-in-law, and she did odd jobs in the city, such as making paper boxes.

Where is the old lady from the Zhao family? Chen Cancan was pretty good before and after her marriage, otherwise Wang Fengqiao would not have married her daughter to the Zhao family. Since the famine began, she has been unparalleled in her acrimony. She cares about everything and orders her granddaughter to order two dogs every day. They gave alms to them with water and water, but they were reluctant to bear the hardships of their grandson at home. The harvest of their brigade was not good every year, so Chen Cancan asked Chen Cancan to send the stone mill to Wang Fengqiao's house to eat Wang Fengqiao's family's food and save his own family's rations. .

Chen Cancan turned to her husband's family and naturally obeyed.

Upon hearing that his son's precious tin frog had been snatched away by a stone mill, Wang Dachun picked up his son without saying a word and said, "Let's go, daddy will get it back for you!" He was not as generous as a child.

As soon as the father and son left, Wang Lingzhi came over with his hind legs.

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