Feng Qingyun took Fu Bao around, fulfilling her niece's wish to show off her necklaces and bracelets everywhere and listen to everyone praise her for her beauty.

At this moment, I happened to wander to a shady place where the garlic was drying.

Seeing the scene in front of her, she immediately came over with Fu Bao, "Lingzhi, did you come to play with me? I'm sorry, I took Fu Bao outside and was away from home every day, so you had to come out and ask Acheng. Acheng, why are you standing there? It’s almost noon. I have to take Fu Bao with me, and I have to go find Xi Bao later. If you don’t go home to cook, what are we going to eat for lunch? My brother-in-law told me before he left. If I tire my sister, he will definitely settle the score with us later!"

"I'll go back right away. Help me watch these people work!" Guan Cheng turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He really didn't want to deal with Wang Lingzhi. This person was like a dog-skin plaster. He couldn't tear it off or take it off. He always pretended that he didn't understand people. If he continued to pester him, he would definitely attract the attention of others.

Feng Qingyun shouted from behind him: "Xibao wanted to eat the leek box yesterday, and the leeks he selected yesterday are drying in the kitchen!"

"I saw leeks last night, so I will make a leek box for lunch!" It can be used as both a staple food and a vegetable, saving trouble!

Fu Bao followed closely and said delicately: "Brother Acheng, I want to eat dumplings."

Guan Cheng didn't even look back and said, "I know, I'll make you a bowl of dumplings at noon."

Fu Bao was satisfied, "Thank you, Brother Acheng!"

Wang Lingzhi failed to achieve his goal, so he glared at Feng Qingyun angrily, and tried to chase Guancheng, but Feng Qingyun held him back.

Although she is only twelve or thirteen years old, she has never been hungry or cold since she was five years old. She usually eats better than others during the Chinese New Year. She is only one inch shorter than Wang Lingzhi, but is stronger than Wang Lingzhi.

Wang Lingzhi was pulled so hard by her that she couldn't move, "Xiaoyun Gu, why are you holding me?"

In terms of seniority, Feng Qingyun is indeed Wang Lingzhi's cousin.

Younger but senior children are not uncommon in the Wanglou Brigade. Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng are seven years older than Feng Qingyun, so don't they have to respectfully call her aunt?

Feng Qingyun said strangely: "Aren't you here to find me? If you are looking for me, of course I will pull you and ask you what you are looking for me for!"

"Who said I'm looking for you? I'm looking for Guancheng! Why are you meddling in other people's business!" Wang Lingzhi stamped her feet angrily, looking at Feng Qingyun's beautiful face that could not be concealed even though it was stained with dust and ash from the bottom of the pot. I couldn't help but feel a flash of jealousy.

To say that the most beautiful person in the Wanglou Brigade is undoubtedly Feng Qingxue, and the second one is Feng Qingyun who has not yet grown up.

Although Feng Qingyun is always dressed slovenly and unkempt, everyone will think of Feng Qingxue's dressing when Lu Jiang is not at home, so they all think that Feng Qingyun is imitating her sister. After all, Feng Qingxue was like her when she was a child. Yun Hao is extremely good-looking. She will definitely not become ugly now that she has grown up.

Girls with good looks are very popular, and Wang Lingzhi is particularly aware of the benefits of beauty.

It's a pity that she is the most outstanding among the young girls, but she is far inferior to Feng Qingxue and Feng Qingyun. Even Wang Jiao, who is known to be lazy and lazy, is much prettier than her, which makes her feel that God is really unfair.

She is the girl with the highest academic qualifications in the Wanglou Brigade. Why doesn't God give her the most beautiful appearance? But she was given to Feng Qingxue, who had never been to school and could be called illiterate. She also took care of her in every possible way, letting her study medicine, let her serve as a soldier, let her be received by the old leader, and became the most famous woman in all the villages in the world. Big shot!

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