Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1079: Endless Entanglement 10

After thinking about it, Wang Lingzhi stepped forward and took Wu Lijuan's arm, turned around and walked out, "I originally wanted to buy something, but seeing so many cars and so many people working, I didn't want to go in and disturb them. I'll come back to buy them when they're done. My business isn't important anyway. Wu Lijuan, what are you doing here? I remember your home is quite far away from here."

Wu Lijuan cannot be allowed to see Guancheng! This is Wang Lingzhi's only idea at the moment.

She and Guan Cheng live in the Wanglou Brigade together, and being able to get to the water first, is what she is most proud of. When Guan Cheng refuses to accept her, she must not let Wu Lijuan see Guan Cheng.

Compared with when classes were suspended last year, Guancheng has become more beautiful and attractive. Wu Lijuan will definitely be excited and pursue it.

Because he likes Guancheng, Wang Lingzhi pays special attention to Guancheng. Wang Lingzhi feels like Ming Jing about who likes him and pursues him in school. They usually fight openly and secretly.

Wu Lijuan was the deputy squad leader and had the most frequent contact with Guancheng as the squad leader, which had long made Wang Lingzhi crazy with jealousy.

Wu Lijuan looked at Wang Lingzhi, who was enthusiastic about her, with a flicker of doubt in her eyes, but she did not ask, nor did she follow her movements and leave the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative, "I'm here to buy something, don't you want to buy something?" What are you doing at the supply and marketing cooperative? You let me go shopping first, and then we can have a good chat about what will happen when we go home after school is over.”

"Didn't you say there are a lot of people? The supply and marketing cooperative is very busy. Let's come back later and buy things together. I also have something I want to buy." After saving her pocket money for a long time, she can buy a bottle of cream. This is what she A reason to go out early in the morning.

Wu Lijuan heard what she said and was led out involuntarily by her. She couldn't help but look back.

This glance made her never regret her actions.

At a glance, she saw Guancheng, who was turning into the supply and marketing cooperative carrying a bamboo basket full of garlic. He looked better than when he was in school. Even though he was doing farm work, he still had an indescribable charm.

There are gangsters and gentlemen who are like fighting each other.

Understanding Wang Lingzhi's petty nature, Wu Lijuan smiled, turned her head back as if she hadn't seen Guancheng, and looked sideways at Wang Lingzhi, "Okay, let's go further. I've encountered a lot of things recently, and I want to find someone to talk to. one time."

"What's the matter? You can tell me." Wang Lingzhi pretended to be considerate.

Wu Lijuan thought for a while and said: "Our team has many things to do, which one should I talk about first?"

Wang Lingzhi smiled and said: "Whatever, I will listen to whatever you say." It didn't matter to her.

"Then let's talk about a cousin of mine!" Wu Lijun organized her thoughts and said, "Although my cousin is a junior high school student, she is very smart and beautiful. She is a famous person in our team. At the beginning of the year, the city's textile factory recruited workers, and she was lucky enough to be one of them. Now she can get a salary of ten or twenty yuan a month, and she can also eat commercial food. She likes someone, but that person doesn't like her. But in the end she got her wish and married the person she liked."

Wang Lingzhi immediately interrupted her, "How did your cousin do it?"

"There's nothing to say. My cousin said that the other person was acting like a hooligan to her. Now it was very serious. The leader severely criticized the person and made the decision to let him marry my cousin." Wu Lijuan said with a smile.

Wang Lingzhi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

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