Therefore, everyone almost laughed to death when they heard Wang Lingzhi accuse the Lu family and said that the Lu family let Guancheng do things like bullies and horses.

Not to mention, even Wang Lingzhi himself does not live as well as the Guancheng brothers!

Although the amount of rations is the same as everyone else, the Lu family is not short of money. Now they have the salary of three soldiers. Among them, Lu Jiang is still the leader of the army. He gets a salary of two to three hundred yuan a month, and there are military supplies. Many ordinary people see They have ways to get their hands on everything they don't have. If they have money, they can buy free treatment cloths and sewer meat. Does Wang Xinlai have this ability?

Wang Lingzhi's tuition was financed by her parents' frugal living and the help of her two sisters.

I believe that if you were given a choice, you would rather go to the Lu family to work as a cow or a horse than go to Wang Xinlai's house to live like a cat in winter.

Not to mention that Lu's father, Feng Qingxue, mother and son have all met the old leader, and even took photos with the old leader. Having the old leader's calligraphy has invisibly gilded the Lu family with a layer of gold, and Guancheng and Guanyu's The future is certain!

Guancheng himself is very outstanding. Wang Xinlai wants such an outstanding young man to be his son-in-law. What a wonderful idea!

How many families want to marry their daughters to Guancheng but feel they are not worthy of him? How can their families be so embarrassed to open their mouths? Especially after Guancheng refused several times, Wang Lingzhi continued to pester.

Wang Lingzhi couldn't listen to what everyone said. She just felt that the Lu family had abused Guancheng and restrained Guancheng. Only in her own home could Guancheng live a free and happy life, because she liked him so much. I wish I could tear out my heart and hold it in front of him, just to make him look at me one more time.

"Guancheng! I'm all for your own good, why can't you listen?" Wang Lingzhi was anxious and angry, "Why do you have to use me to change the subject? We can't talk well, get along well, and live well To cultivate revolutionary sentiments?”

"Wang Lingzhi, I have nothing to do with you, please stay away from me!"

Not to mention Guancheng, everyone looked at Wang Lingzhi as if she was crazy. Everyone made it so clear. I don’t know if she really doesn’t understand or is deliberately pretending not to understand.

Wang Dachun said directly: "Acheng, let's go, let's go, let's go!"

Continuing to struggle with such an unreasonable woman will only waste their precious time.

Wang Chenglong nodded, "Yes, yes, Guancheng, a large group of our gentlemen can testify for you, proving that you resolutely rejected Wang Lingzhi's pursuit. Whatever happens to her has nothing to do with you."

Most of these young and old men have experienced things before, so how could they not understand what Wang Chenglong meant and nodded one after another.

In front of so many people, Wang Lingzhi was brave enough to reveal her love. Guancheng ignored her and she followed. Anyway, these people had so many fruits and vegetables on their cars that she could keep up.

When we arrived at the commune, everyone was busy unloading, weighing, and accounting.

Wang Lingzhi came up to help with the accounting, but Wang Dachun scolded her and kicked her out. She was so angry that she was about to turn around and enter the supply and marketing cooperative again when she heard a clear and sweet voice: "Wang Lingzhi? Is it really you? That's it." Morning, what are you doing in front of the supply and marketing cooperative? There are so many bullock carts and flatbeds, don’t touch you.”

Wang Lingzhi raised his head, looked for the sound, and recognized that the speaker was Wu Lijuan, his high school classmate, who was also a classmate of Guancheng. Privately, he liked Guancheng, so when he saw her, Wang Lingzhi felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

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