This is the first time he has spoken harshly to someone since he came to the Wanglou Brigade from Guancheng.

However, the young and old men present all gave a thumbs up.

Although Guancheng is from outside and Wang Lingzhi belongs to the Wang family, the benevolence of these doctors in Guancheng is obvious to all. They all know that he is a very good, young and promising child, a thousand times better than the arrogant Wang Lingzhi. .

Besides, she had already rejected Wang Xinlai's marriage proposal. It was really shameless for Wang Lingzhi to pester her like this.

As for girls, everyone still thinks it’s better to be more respectful.

After hearing Guan Cheng's words, tears welled up in Wang Lingzhi's eyes. He bit his lower lip and said in a tearful tone: "Guan Cheng, I like you so much, and you treat me like this? I like you, is it wrong? Now The old feudal society where parents ordered matchmakers is no longer the norm. Now there is equality between men and women, and free love! I like you, how can I be so shameless when I pursue you? Ma, I want to save you from the sea of ​​misery! If you are with me, the people in the Wanglou Brigade will no longer reject you, and they will not treat you as an outsider. You will soon be completely integrated into the Wanglou Brigade. !”

"Being a cow or a horse? Didn't you know that you saw me being a cow or a horse?" Guan Cheng sneered, "Nothing else is important to me, but I don't allow you to say a bad word about the Lu family. I will never allow it." !”

As he spoke, he looked at everyone and said solemnly: "I was an orphan. My parents died. I took my younger brother to live in a ruined temple without a home. My younger brother was sick at the time, coupled with hunger and high fever, only I breathed a sigh of relief. It was my aunt who happened to pass by the ruined temple, rescued my brother, and adopted me and my brother. She gave us a home, a warm home. And because of the tolerance and kindness from the folks in Wanglou Brigade, We two brothers no longer have to worry about food and clothing, and we still have the opportunity to go to school! Our aunt is away with the army, and the four of us do our own laundry and cooking. Those who need to work go to work, those who need to go to school, and those who need to see a doctor. Tianjun and Tianzhi are no exception, is this called a cow acting like a horse? "

Wang Chenglong said: "If you are just doing cows and horses, then all the children in our brigade are doing cows and horses. Whose child doesn't do some work within his ability when he grows up? Either go to work or do housework. When I’m free, I still have to work on pig grass to earn work points.”

Even the apple of his eye has to be responsible for cooking and delivering meals when they are busy farming.

Pampered? It doesn't exist in their Wanglou brigade.

Wang Jiao has been pampered since childhood, right? As everyone knows, although there have been some changes in the few years after marriage, they are very limited. They are just willing to do some housework. In these years, they still work to earn work points.

Others echoed Wang Chenglong's words and said to Guan Cheng: "Whether it is a cow or a horse, we are all watching!"

When everyone is chatting, who wouldn’t give a thumbs up when Feng Qingxue is mentioned? They say she is kind and benevolent. She has raised a family since she married into the Lu family. Especially when Lu Jiang could not come back, she was responsible for everything big and small. She took very good care of her children. Which one now? Not the best among men?

Not many people can do what she does.

Not only is it not much, it is simply rare, especially in these years when food and clothing are scarce, but the children are well fed, clothed warmly, and all of them are not suffering. That is Feng Qingxue’s credit, and even his own parents may not be able to. Make it this far.

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