After hearing what Wang Chenglong said, Wang Lingzhi was very unhappy and immediately got angry, "I can do whatever I want. Do you care? My parents don't care about me, so what qualifications do you have? You still care about your business." You stupid girl! She’s as stupid as a pig. She always ends up last in every exam. She’s so embarrassed that she’s nowhere to be found. Fortunately, classes are suspended now!”

Wang Chenglong's face suddenly dropped, and he said coldly: "You are the only smart person in the world. If you are smart, don't do anything embarrassing? What are you doing to stop us grown men?"

Of course he knew that Wang Lingzhi came for Guancheng, but he couldn't drag Guancheng into it.

If nothing else, just because Feng Qingyun and Zhangzhu have a good relationship.

Wang Lingzhi jumped in anger, "Who is looking for you? Who is looking for you? I'm looking for Guan..."

"It's really none of our business who you are looking for!" Wang Dachun interrupted her, "But your current behavior has caused us a lot of trouble and delayed our trip! Wang Lingzhi, don't make me say it a third time. , please get out of my way, and when I come back from selling the vegetables, I will go to your parents to settle the account for blocking the road today!"

Wang Chenglong pushed Wang Lingzhi away with one shoulder and pulled the flatbed truck forward. Guan Cheng pushed the flatbed truck on the other side without even looking at Wang Lingzhi. Now, he was extremely disgusted with Wang Lingzhi.

Wang Lingzhi stamped his feet, walked around the flatbed truck, and ran to Guancheng.

"Guancheng, can you pay attention to me? Can you have a nice talk with me?" Wang Lingzhi pouted. Although she looked unhappy, under the hazy night, you could see the admiration in her eyes. color.

Guancheng didn't squint his eyes and ignored him.

Wang Dachun shouted: "Wang Lingzhi, you didn't hear what I said, did you?"

Wang Lingzhi wanted to say that he was annoyed, but suddenly remembered Wang Dachun's identity, swallowed what he was about to say, ignored Wang Dachun's words, and stretched out his hand to pull Guancheng.

"Are you annoyed?" Guan Cheng endured it again and again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Wang Lingzhi, who was accustomed to seeing the elegant and graceful people in Guancheng, was stunned for a moment, pointed at his nose and said: "You yell at me?"

"Yes!" Guan Cheng's eyebrows were covered with frost, "Classmate Wang Lingzhi, in front of my father and fellow villagers, please listen clearly. I have rejected your family, yes, not just once, but three times. Three marriage proposals, three times I refused. , I don’t want it to happen a fourth time, please let your family choose a better son-in-law, and please don’t pester me again!”

Now that Guancheng has talked about it, Wang Lingzhi doesn't care anymore, "I will convince my parents. I will convince my parents to give up the idea of ​​recruiting a son-in-law. In the future, we will have more children. It will be good if one son is named Wang." ! Guancheng, you can’t do this, right?”

Whether they were driving, pulling or pushing carts, the young and old men were stunned.

Don't be ashamed! This is their common thought.

It was the first time they had seen a girl, an unmarried young lady, so blatantly pursuing a man and openly talking about having children. Even if the girls in the brigade liked someone in their hearts, they did so secretly and did not dare to show it.

Guan Cheng said simply: "I can't do it! Your child's last name has nothing to do with me! Classmate Wang Lingzhi, you have gone to school, read books, and seen the world. How can you not know the word shameless?" Write it? Yes, you are shameless! Everyone in the Wanglou Brigade is well-behaved. Your various behaviors really opened our eyes! Let me reiterate for the last time that I will never marry you. What’s the matter? You’ve given up!”

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