Selling vegetables, especially those related to missions, is very important to the Wanglou Brigade. After all, they have to keep accounts and bring the money back to the account, so Wang Dachun is responsible for it personally. When he sees Wang Lingzhi, who is well dressed, he frowns. wrinkle.

He heard from his mother that Wang Xinlai wanted to recruit Guan Cheng as his son-in-law, but Guan Cheng flatly refused.

"Lingzhi, what are you talking about? We are going to do business. You should go home quickly. You are a girl here before dawn. Don't your parents care about you?" Wang Dachun was very angry and his voice was a little harsh. , "Get out of the way, don't block our motorcade, it will delay things, I will settle the score with your parents later!"

Wang Lingzhi gave in for a moment, but did not leave. Instead, he came close to Guan Cheng. With a bright and bright smile, he took out a scallion pancake wrapped in gauze from his bag and handed it to Guan Cheng, "I made it specially for you. Yes, it’s still hot. Eat it quickly.”

Guan Cheng turned around and changed places with a middle-aged man next to him.

Selling vegetables is a physical job, and they need to do all the loading, unloading and transportation, so the team members are all young and middle-aged people, not the elderly.

The man who moved to Guancheng's position was called Wang Chenglong. According to seniority, Wang Lingzhi had to call him big brother. He smiled and said: "Hey, big girl is so good? Come on, let me try your craftsmanship."

"Who gave you food? Who do you think you are?" Wang Lingzhi immediately retracted his hand and the scallion pancake in his hand.

Wang Chenglong was not happy when he heard this, and said with a smile: "If you don't give me something to eat, why are you coming to my side? A big girl, or a high school student who has studied, came to us men, and she didn't So ashamed!”

Wang Chenglong has long disliked Wang Lingzhi.

Isn't he just a high school student? He is so proud that he always looks down on others.

His father's generation had three brothers and no daughters. His generation had three brothers plus seven cousins ​​and had no daughters. The next generation had three sons, six nephews, and twelve cousins, and still had no daughters. Until his wife gave birth to a fat girl for him, which made the whole family so happy that she asked Wang Zhengguo to name her Zhangzhu, which means the jewel in the palm.

Zhangzhu has been loved by her family since she was a child. She has never suffered hardships and has an innocent and honest personality. It is inevitable that the girls in the family who favor boys over girls will not live a good life. She dislikes her and does not like to play with her. She often bullies her secretly. , until Feng Qingyun appeared.

Feng Qingyun is one year younger than Zhangzhu, but she is smarter and more powerful than Zhangzhu. A few years ago, she scolded a girl who wanted to take away Zhangzhu's things. From then on, Zhangzhu became Feng Qingyun's follower called her cousin one after another. The two often went to and from school together, and their relationship got better and better, just like real sisters.

There are two reasons why Wang Chenglong doesn't like Wang Lingzhi. She is a girl who wants to take away Zhangzhu's things. The second is that she secretly called Zhangzhu a fool, an idiot, and a fool, which finally reached Wang Chenglong's ears.

In the Wanglou Brigade, the Lu family and the Wang family are both wealthy families, and there are actually very few people with other surnames.

Wang Xinlai's originally good popularity has been spoiled by his younger daughter, Wang Lingzhi, in the past few years. People who are looked down upon by Wang Lingzhi naturally get close to the popular Wang Chenglong.

From beginning to end, Wang Lingzhi was proud of being the only female high school student in the Wanglou brigade, not knowing that her popularity was extremely low.

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