After dinner, everyone who had to go to work went to work, including the energetic Xibao, who followed Father Lu, holding on to his own little whip and saying, "I have a little donkey. I don't ride it, but grandpa rides it!"

Fu Bao's head was moving a little bit, and her eyes were too sleepy to open. Feng Qingxue carried her to the bed and put her down.

When he came out to clean the duck eggs, Feng Qingyun followed him into the kitchen to help.

She squatted by the basin and washed the feces stains on the duck eggs. After thinking about it, she finally spoke, "Sister, please pay attention to Acheng's affairs."

"What happened to Acheng?" Feng Qingxue's heart moved.

Guan Cheng has grown up and behaves very appropriately, so she rarely interferes with Guan Cheng's behavior, including her life-long affairs, and gives him the greatest respect and freedom.

Feng Qingyun thought for a while and told her sister everything about Wang Lingzhi's repeated entanglement with Guancheng.

"This Wang Lingzhi is shameless. Acheng has rejected her many times and she always pesters Acheng. In the past, their family asked the eldest sister and her aunt to come to Acheng, hoping to recruit Acheng as their son-in-law. The eldest sister and Although the aunt was entrusted by them to mention this matter to Acheng, the eldest sister and the aunt told Acheng not to agree because our Lu family would not let him get a wife and become a door-to-door son-in-law. If this happens, your and your brother-in-law’s spines will be broken.”

Besides, with Guancheng's appearance and ability, he can still get married and start a business without the help of the Lu family. Who from all over the country doesn't know that there is a young and promising Doctor Guan in their Wanglou Brigade!

The Lu family received particularly good treatment. They used to be the glory of Zhan Feng Qingxue, but now they are the glory of Zhan Guancheng.

Feng Qingxue hummed, "Xiaoyun, a girl, don't interfere in this matter. I will discuss it with Acheng before making a decision."

When Jin Cuihua came to propose marriage, she knew that Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng were the most popular husband-in-laws in the eyes of everyone. She thought that the woman's family was interested in the appearance, character and ability of the two children, but she did not expect that there was also a relationship between the parties involved.

Wang Lingzhi? Feng Qingxue didn't have a deep impression of her, she vaguely remembered that she was a fair and dewy girl.

Looking at the gentle man, I didn't expect him to have such a personality.

There is nothing wrong with liking someone. Everyone will fall in love with someone of the opposite sex at first sight and then fall in love with them again. However, it is wrong to continue to struggle with the other person and cause trouble in their life when the other person has no intention to you.

Feng Qingxue originally wanted to discuss it with Guancheng at night, but he ended up having dinner with a group of old people who had been sent down to the countryside. In the early morning of the next day, he led people to pick fruits and vegetables, and drove them to the supply and marketing cooperative to sell them. At the same time, he also had the garlic packed yesterday.

The state has unified purchasing and marketing, so it is natural to purchase agricultural products, but there is no manpower to deliver them to the city, so Guancheng and others have to trouble.

Feng Qingxue thought to herself that it would not be too late to make a decision after Guancheng came back and asked him clearly. Wang Lingzhi had been pestering him for three years. Although she was worried that Wang Lingzhi would go to extremes if he could not get Guancheng, she should not be in a hurry. After a while, she didn't expect that Wang Lingzhi was more anxious than she thought and stopped him on the way to the commune early in the morning.

"Guancheng, I will sell vegetables with you!" Wang Lingzhi felt that he was particularly diligent and considerate. "I have read a book, know an abacus, and can keep accounts, so that you will not be so busy that you hit the back of your head. ”

In order to show off herself, Wang Lingzhi specially wore new clothes made this year, a floral shirt with pink foundation and red flowers and black pants.

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