Lu Tianzhi listened to Feng Qingxue's words and said with a smile: "Aunt, you have become stupid. If you can't finish eating, you can pickle it and eat salted eggs!"

The pickled salted duck eggs are delicious, and the oil oozes out of the egg yolk.

Thinking of the salted duck eggs that Feng Qingxue had given them before, Lu Tianzhi took a sip of saliva.

After being pregnant for three years, Feng Qingxue reacted, "Yes, I really forgot. After dinner, I washed all the duck eggs and marinated two jars of salted duck eggs. Two months later, I was not at home. Remember to take them out and eat them. I remember I also pickled some salted duck eggs when I came back. You can take them out and eat them with porridge at night.”

Guan Yu and Lu Tianzhi, who were inseparable, looked like twins. They exclaimed, "I'm so looking forward to it!"

The white rice porridge and the oily yellow salted duck eggs are a match made in heaven.

Hearing Guan Yu's description of rice porridge and salted duck eggs, Lu's father hit him on the head, "What's the metaphor? You're always lazy when I ask you to study hard. If you tell me such a metaphor, others will laugh to death."

"I can't read the books in class! The content is so simple and monotonous." Guan Yu touched his head, "And classes stopped last year, how can I study? Grandpa, how about you teach me I read Journey to the West, which I didn’t finish last time. I really enjoyed reading it. I like Sun Wukong who caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace. I will write good stories like Wu Chengen in the future.”

Father Lu looked helplessly at his two grandsons who looked similar, and said casually: "Okay, I'm looking forward to it. But I can't give you the book. You are not allowed to tell anyone about what stories you have heard and what books you have read. In addition, you You can go find the grandparents who live in the back, they all have a lot of stories.”

Zhu Ling and Wen Yue were very famous writers before they were in trouble, so it would be perfect for them to give guidance to Guan Yu.

Father Lu had noticed a long time ago that under the protection of his eldest brother, Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu were a bit naive and had no ambitions, probably because they did not understand the world. Fortunately, Lu Tianzhi was very talented in calligraphy and painting, and Guan Yu Being very interested in writing, Lu's father decided to cultivate them according to their hobbies. Anyway, the two eldest brothers, Guan Cheng and Lu Tianjun, were enough to shoulder the responsibility.

Of course, homework cannot be missed due to the suspension of classes, and academic qualifications are still important.

The reason why high school students like Guancheng did not graduate was because of the national situation. If he graduated, he could participate in job recruitment in various agencies and factories in the city, but he only missed his family and returned to the countryside.

The pressure on the urban economy has doubled, and the country has long had the idea of ​​​​draining the urban population to various rural or remote areas. The educated youth appeared ten years ago, but they went to the northwest and Beidahuang areas to support national construction. In the past two years, the educated youth from rural areas have Young people are rarely allowed to stay in the city and are sent back to their hometowns one after another. Not everyone is as willing as Guancheng.

Xibao touched his bulging belly and said, "I want to ride a big horse!"

"The big horse has to pull the cart to sell garlic. Grandpa will take you to ride the little donkey." Father Lu immediately focused on his grandson, with a smile on his eyebrows. "Grandpa drives the little donkey, and Xibao rides the little donkey." Donkey, okay?”

"Grandpa is tired, Grandpa rides the donkey, and Xibao drives the donkey." Xibao decided happily.

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