Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1081 By any means necessary 2

After solving the problem of Feng Shuanzhao, the commune office returned to its usual peace and quiet.

Chen Xingguo and Secretary Zheng were sitting across from each other drinking tea and reading the newspaper. After hearing Wang Lingzhi's accusation, the latter spit out a sip of tea and sprayed it onto the newspaper that was just delivered to them and was dated a few days ago. The stain has melted and the ink has melted.

"What did you say?" Secretary Zheng asked while coughing.

Report the Lu family? Is it the Lu family in his imagination?

Wang Lingzhi repeated his words and said righteously: "Lu Zhiyuan of Wanglou Brigade is a big landowner who exploits the blood and sweat of the working people. Fortunately, the leader is wise and overthrows local tyrants and evil gentry like him and liberates the whole village. Working people! Nowadays, there are vigorous movements everywhere, but our Wanglou brigade is just pretending to be deaf and dumb because Lu Zhiyuan married his son to the brigade captain’s niece, so the brigade captain shields their family and prevents others from fighting against them!”

The weather was hot, and after walking all the way, Wang Lingzhi was a little thirsty. He spoke a long string of words, but couldn't catch them in one breath. He paused, glanced at the enamel jar on the table, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and continued: "Lu The family has not changed its decadent style of using servants. A few years ago, they specially adopted two children. Since they arrived at their home, they have been like oxen, horses and mules, and all the dirty work is theirs! "

Chen Xingguo and Secretary Zheng knew the details of the Lu family, and they immediately understood. The children Wang Lingzhi mentioned should be Guancheng and Guanyu. How could it be considered a sin for someone to adopt two children during a famine period? ?

In those years, people died of hunger all over the land, and countless Yi children ate each other. The person who adopted the children was simply Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Secretary Zheng thought of this and asked Wang Lingzhi with great interest: "What's your name? What are the names of the two children you mentioned? Why did the Lu family use him? How did they let him work as a cow or a horse? Let's talk about it. listen."

Chen Xingguo glared at Secretary Zheng, this man was so idle!

Wang Lingzhi answered truthfully the names of himself and Guancheng brothers, and then said: "The Lu family has squeezed Guancheng to a great extent. Go and rescue him! All the work points and rations earned by him and Guan Yu belong to the Lu family. Not only do they have to go to work every day, but they also have to go home to cook at mealtime, and work overtime at night to wash clothes. The Lu family is like Zhou Bapi. They are not allowed to get married in Guancheng now. They are worried that Guancheng will only take care of his own family after getting married. Their family has lost a hard-working workforce!”

"Marriage? No, it doesn't make sense. If Guancheng gets married, without dividing the family, won't the Lu family gain another labor force? How come you are worried about losing a labor force?" Secretary Zheng said The words hit home.

Wang Lingzhi said confidently: "My family wants to recruit Guancheng as their son-in-law and give him a warm home, but the Lu family does not agree!"

Chen Xingguo said coldly: "The Lu family doesn't want their own child to be their son-in-law, so you came to us to report the Lu family out of thin air? Do you know what it is to frame someone else's crime?"

"Who said I framed them? I'm telling the truth! If you don't believe it, you can go check it out!" Anyway, we have reached this point and will not give up until we achieve our goals. Wang Lingzhi then said: "Guan Cheng and I are in a free love. We have made a private decision for a long time, I am already his, and he has agreed to live in our home. It is the Lu family who is causing trouble and preventing us from becoming revolutionary comrades! "

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