Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1082 By any means necessary 3

Of course Wang Lingzhi knew that Wu Lijuan had bad intentions when she said these words to him. It was not like he was unaware of Wu Lijuan's coveting of Guancheng. She might want Guancheng to hate her even more, so what? As long as your goal is achieved.

After getting married and having children, Guancheng will live honestly with himself as time goes by.

The purpose of involving the Lu family was to get Guancheng to break away from the Lu family and become a member of their Wang family.

Although Wang Lingzhi vowed in front of Guancheng that she could marry him and that he did not need to be a son-in-law, as long as he gave birth to a son named Wang, Wang Lingzhi did not have so much confidence to convince his pedantic and stubborn parents. She was too I understand my parents’ plan to find a strong laborer to support their family.

Since you have chosen to do this, then do it to the end!

The situation of marrying into the Lu family is completely different from that of Guancheng. You can do whatever you want in your own family. But when you get to the Lu family, because it is a forced marriage, the Lu family will definitely not like you, and the following days will definitely not be the same. It's easy, so getting rid of the Lu family is a top priority, at least not letting the Lu family become an obstacle to his marriage with Guancheng.

She was very worried about Guancheng living in the Lu family.

Not to mention that although Feng Qingxue is called aunt, she is only three years older than him, and she is so beautiful. Moreover, she also has a slim Feng Qingyun who is still in her prime. She has nothing to do with Guancheng. blood relation.

If they get along day and night, who knows if they will fall in love for a long time.

Secretary Zheng nodded while listening, looked at the clerk who was taking the notes, and then looked at Chen Xingguo who was taking the notes, "Chen Xiangchang, how about we go to the Wanglou Brigade in person? Conduct a thorough investigation? We cannot wrongly accuse any innocent person, and we cannot let anyone off with bad behavior.”

"Then go!" Chen Xingguo also wanted to see Lu's father again. In the past, the inspection team at Wanglou could only see him from a distance.

As for Wang Zhengguo, he has often come to the commune for meetings in recent years, so naturally we meet often.

After listening to the conversation between Secretary Zheng and Chen Xingguo, Wang Lingzhi was extremely excited. Two blushes appeared on his cheeks. He was excited. As long as Secretary Zheng and Chen Xingguo took action, would he still worry about Guancheng being disobedient?

After riding their bicycles to the Wanglou Brigade, Secretary Zheng and Chen Xingguo went to find Wang Zhengguo first.

Wang Lingzhi did not follow. She was just a whistleblower, not an investigator.

"What? Someone in our brigade reported that the Lu family engages in decadent practices of exploiting and oppressing the labor force?" Wang Zhengguo dug his ears, "Who is making things up out of thin air? It's simply ridiculous! The Lu family's property has long been used to support national construction, and Comrade Lu Zhiyuan has lived there for a long time. In the cowshed, just like ordinary people, we work from sunrise to sunset, so where is the time to exploit and oppress the labor force? "

Secretary Zheng smiled and said: "Not only did she report the Lu family, she also said that Guancheng was acting like a hooligan against her. Let us seek justice."

"Wang Lingzhi?" Wang Zhengguo blurted out.

There was no one else but her. Wang Dachun had already quietly told himself the scene when drying garlic yesterday.

Chen Xingguo raised his thumb, "So you have to take us to the Lu family to investigate what is going on. Ask Guancheng and Guan Yu if they have been exploited in the Lu family. We have to call some respected villagers and Wang Lingzhi’s parents to talk frankly about the reputation of two gay men and women, and we cannot take it lightly. "

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