Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1083 By any means necessary 4

Secretary Zheng said: "Yes, this kind of thing is not trivial. We must find out who is right and who is wrong. If someone comes to ask in the future, we have an explanation to prevent some people from hearing it and believing it to be true without discerning it, which will affect the Lu family and their family." Guancheng’s reputation.”

In many current movements, how many of the crimes are based on rumors? Only they know best.

Wang Zhengguo said angrily: "We must investigate clearly, and the innocent people must be cleared! Guancheng went to sell vegetables early in the morning, and he is not at home for the time being. Guan Yu is here. You can call him out alone and ask him. Did the Lu family save him? He still treats him as a servant. Before going to the Lu family, you can also visit the villagers' homes and ask them how the Lu family adopts the children and how they treat them. As for Wang Lingzhi, they all see it. It’s absolutely impossible for Guancheng to act like a rogue to her!”

What Chen Xingguo and Secretary Zheng said made Wang Zhengguo very angry.

Wang Zhengguo has never heard of such a shameless person after being in charge of Wanglou Brigade affairs for more than 20 years.

Miao Fengqin came over to pour them water and said smoothly: "You two comrades can't believe Wang Lingzhi's words! I see, she is just holding a grudge and deliberately slandering! Wang Lingzhi's family saw that Guancheng was a foreign child, so they thought Guan Cheng was asked to be his son-in-law, but Guan Cheng immediately rejected him. People usually go out early and come back late at night, so where does he have the time to play tricks on Wang Lingzhi? "

She paused and continued: "After hearing what the two comrades said, why do I feel that Wang Lingzhi deliberately framed Guan Cheng in the name of male and female behavior and forced Guan Cheng to be their son-in-law? Then you have to investigate carefully. ”

Chen Xingguo said: "What my sister-in-law said is different from what Wang Lingzhi said."

"What's the difference? Let's listen to it and call the folks back to see who is talking nonsense!" Miao Fengqin told the truth, and she was not afraid that her words would be exposed.

Secretary Zheng smiled and said: "Wang Lingzhi said that she and Guancheng had made a lifelong commitment to each other for a long time. Guancheng agreed to live in their home. It was the Lu family who was responsible for this and did not allow them to become revolutionary comrades. But you said that Guancheng refused to be a door-to-door son-in-law..."

After hearing this, Miao Fengqin sighed, "Don't be ashamed, what's a private life, what's a promise? What about a girl's face? She talks such nonsense in front of you, and you believe her? You know right from wrong. Who doesn't know that Guan Cheng is a well-behaved and good boy. Several families want to marry their daughters to him, but he doesn't agree, including people in the city. People in the city all want to recruit Guan Cheng as their son-in-law. This shows that we in Guan Cheng have How could she agree to be Wang Lingzhi’s son-in-law? Why is her face bigger than the pot lid? This is really the funniest joke I’ve heard this year.

"Everyone in the city wants to recruit Guancheng as their son-in-law? Is it true?" Chen Xingguo asked curiously.

"Of course it's true. Why did I lie to you?" Miao Fengqin's words were like pouring beans through a bamboo tube without stopping. "My son-in-law is a master meat seller in the city. He is asked to act as a matchmaker. She came to me. The other person is a high school classmate of Acheng. Her mother is a power plant worker and her father is a teacher in Acheng. She seems to teach Chinese. Her surname is Yu. This teacher Yu really likes Acheng. "

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