Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1086 The truth comes to light 1

After watching Guan Yu go to the ground, Secretary Zheng turned his head and said to Wang Zhengguo: "It can be seen that this child has a really good life, and his gratitude to the Lu family is also revealed from the bottom of his heart."

Wang Zhengguo said: "Xiaoxue is my niece. Nothing I say is appropriate. How about asking the folks in our brigade."

As he said this, he called six or seven people along the way. They were all heads of households. The youngest was forty years old and the oldest was over ninety years old. They were helped out from home. They were in the Wanglou Brigade. Their words were very weighty, and the Wanglou Brigade would come to them to discuss many important matters, both red and white. Wang Zhengguo also called on Lu's father and Xibao, who were driving their donkeys through the field.

When they got home, Miao Fengqin first poured water, and then each person brought a bowl of jelly mixed with minced garlic.

Xibao whined, stood obediently beside Father Lu, clenched the spoon in his hand, and said with big eyes: "Thank you, uncle and grandma, uncle and grandma, you are such a good person, how did you know that Xibao wanted to eat noodles?" "Powder?"

"What do you want to eat? Your mother doesn't know how to make it." Miao Fengqin teased him.

"My aunt made it. It's smooth and delicious!" Xibao sipped his saliva and lay down at the table. He took a look at everyone's jelly. There were a lot of white minced garlic and green chili on it. "Uncle and grandma, , Xibao won’t eat spicy food.”

Miao Fengqin mixed a bowl for him alone, "This bowl has no garlic and is not spicy."

"Thank you, uncle and grandma, uncle and grandma, I really like you!" Xibao's mouth felt like honey.

"Xibao is so good. My uncle and grandma like you the most. Everyone eats first. There are several pieces of jelly soaked in cold water in a basin. After eating, I will mix them for you. I will take care of the jelly and minced garlic." Anyway, it's all good. It's washed sweet potato flour. After Miao Fengqin said this politely, she glanced at everyone in the room and said to Wang Zhengguo: "This is about Wang Lingzhi. It doesn't matter if Wang Xinlai is not present."

Wang Zhengguo hummed, "I forgot about him. Go and ask him to come over."

Grandpa Lu San is a bit older, but his ears are very good. "Wang Lingzhi? Wang Xinlai's little girl? I remember she was the only one in high school. What does it have to do with the two commune cadres coming to her? Such a huge effort. Call us all over."

Wang Lingzhi was the only female student to go to high school, but she was not the only one to pass the exam.

There are several girls in the Wanglou brigade who are very smart, and their grades are no worse than Wang Lingzhi's. Their families either don't have the money for them to continue studying, or they favor boys over girls and send them off to get married early.

Even so, Grandpa Lu San had some impressions of Wang Lingzhi, because Wang's new wife often showed off her daughter's high education.

Miao Fengqin said angrily: "Why doesn't it matter? This girl ran around talking nonsense with a broken mouth. She went to the commune to file a complaint. She swore that the Lu family abused Acheng and Ayu and exploited them like cattle, horses and mules. , while saying that Acheng was acting like a hooligan to her, and that Acheng agreed to be their son-in-law, but it was the Lu family who blocked it and wanted to break up the pair of revolutionary comrades. Isn't this a slander? Why don't we check it out today? Understand, Acheng’s life is ruined!”

"Nonsense! Guan Cheng couldn't be a more well-behaved kid!" The old man couldn't help but beat the ground with his cane, "When has this happened to our Wanglou Brigade? Call Wang Xinlai, call him over, I have to ask him what happened Teach your daughter!”

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