Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1087 The truth comes to light 2

Not to mention that the old man was angry, everyone here found it incredible.

"Sister-in-law Fengqin, it's not enough to just call Wang Xinlai. Call Wang Lingzhi over and ask her in front of us how she knew that the Lu family was exploiting and oppressing Guancheng, and how Guancheng acted like a gangster to her. !" Wang Chenglong's father, Wang Laogang, spoke directly. He had not forgotten that Wang Lingzhi spoke ill of his precious granddaughter behind his back.

"Okay! I'll call all three of their families!"

After Miao Fengqin left, the others looked at Secretary Zheng and Chen Xingguo, chattering.

"This matter cannot be tolerated. It must be investigated strictly, and justice must be given to Xiao Guan."

"Xiaoguan came to our brigade when he was in his teens. We have watched him grow up. He has both medical skills and medical ethics. He cured my mother's illness without asking for a penny, including the medicine." He picked it up in the mountains, but we didn't know how to cook it, so he cooked it and brought it over. He is really a wonderful child. If I didn't have a daughter, I would have given him my daughter. "

"That's right, Xiaoguan is a son-in-law who can ride a dragon in the eyes of many people from all over the country. How could he want to become a son-in-law? It's not a good job for a son-in-law, and his surname has to be changed."

"What does this girl Wang Lingzhi want to do? It's really hateful!"

"Xiaoguan is not yet twenty years old and has not yet married a wife. If he is really charged with such an unclean crime, how will he be able to marry a wife in the future? He has a younger brother who needs to be taken care of!"

Hearing these words, Grandpa Lu San had an idea flash in his mind and said, "Wang Lingzhi, this girl doesn't just have this idea, does she?"

"What's your idea?" All the young and old men said in unison.

"It means that Guancheng, who has a bright future and a good marriage, is ruined. No one dares to marry her, and she has to be her son-in-law as she wishes!" Although Grandpa Lu San is old, he has read poetry and books and has a sharp mind. Turning faster than the young people, "This is the only explanation that can explain why Wang Lingzhi framed the Lu family and framed Guancheng."

When I said this sentence, everyone clapped their hands and said yes.

"It must be, Third Grandpa is right."

"Third uncle, you are really not old at all. Look at you, how clear and understanding you are. We are still confused, but you have seen through Wang Lingzhi's purpose. If this is the case, we cannot tolerate it."

"Yes, if everyone followed Wang Lingzhi's example, wouldn't our team be in chaos? Xiao Wang fell in love with Xiao Li, but Xiao Li didn't like Xiao Wang, so Xiao Wang told outsiders that Xiao Li was acting like a gangster to him, and gathered cadres and family members and public opinion, forcing Xiao Li to become a revolutionary comrade with him. Xiao Li's life has been ruined. Who is willing to live with someone who plots against him? "

The speaker was Chen Dazhuang, but everyone felt the same way. Who doesn't have an unmarried son, daughter, or grandchild?

When it comes time for children to talk about marriage, parents of children who love them will carefully select them to prevent their children from encountering inhumane situations. If they encounter a situation like Xiao Li's, both men and women will be ruined for life.

Under the same hatred and hatred, they all denounced Wang Lingzhi.

Even Wang Lingzhi didn't expect to face such a situation when she followed her parents into the house.

"What are you talking about our Ganoderma lucidum for?" Wang Xinlai's daughter-in-law was confused and looked very unhappy. "My Ganoderma lucidum is doing its job honestly, but you guys are here talking bad about her. What's that like? Look!”

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