Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1094 Taking advantage of the situation 5

During the busy farming season, people usually leave early and return late. They get up before dawn, go to the fields, and return home at night.

The Wanglou Brigade is particularly busy this year. First, there is a bumper harvest and increased output, which naturally requires more labor. Second, there are no teachers and students in the city to help. Now students have suspended classes and many teachers have been unlucky. It is difficult to reproduce the previous two The only good thing about the grand occasion of the year is that half-grown children like Lu Tianzhi can take care of half of the labor force.

Taking advantage of the fine weather, the entire Wanglou brigade was sweating profusely in the fields, cutting wheat, bundling, loading, transporting, threshing, drying, etc. They were so busy that their feet hit the back of their heads.

The very old elderly and young children cannot do physical work, so they just pick wheat ears in the fields.

They only have one wish, and that is to collect the ripe grain into the granary quickly, so as not to prevent God from being in a mood of uncertainty, sunny days and rainy days, delaying the harvest, which is equivalent to refusing to give them food to eat.

Father Lu couldn't care about his grandson, so he sent him to his daughter-in-law and gave him the task of practicing calligraphy.

"Promise to complete the mission!" The little guy saluted with a military salute.

Feng Qingxue was pregnant, and the fetus was not very stable. The whole family did not allow her to work in the fields, so she was responsible for washing and cooking at home, taking care of her two children, while Feng Qingyun did some light work. For example, if you turn over the wheat that has been removed from the sun, or gather the wheat into a pile before nightfall, you will be completely tanned after three or two days.

Fu Bao noticed it and was so frightened that she refused to leave the house. Even if she went to relieve herself in the yard, she had to wear a straw hat. However, she didn't notice that her exposed arms and hands were darker than the skin under her clothes.

Children are not so careful.

Feng Qingxue found a bottle of children's sunscreen for her to use. Although the little girl only thought it was cream, she beamed with joy and kept kissing her on the face, "Mom, I love you the most."

Feng Qingxue was about to speak when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door!" Xibao was getting impatient while practicing calligraphy. He put down his brush, squeaked, and ran as fast as a rabbit.

Opening the door, he looked up at the stranger at the door. She was a middle-aged woman, fanning her face with a straw hat. Xibao said matter-of-factly: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Is this the Lu family?" The middle-aged woman looked down at the little boy with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes in front of her.

"It's the Lu family, the Lu family in the sea, land and air!" Xibao nodded.

Feng Qingxue heard the stranger's voice and walked out of the house, "This is the Lu family. May I ask who your comrade is?"

"Hello, hello, are you Comrade Feng Qingxue, the aunt who adopted Guancheng and Guanyu?" The middle-aged woman stepped forward to shake hands with her enthusiastically, "My name is Wang Da Niu, and I am also married to our Wang Lou Brigade. My daughter, I have to call you uncle!"

Feng Qingxue was murmuring in her heart, but it didn't stop her from greeting him into the house.

"Sister Wang suddenly came to our house while she was busy at work. What's the matter?" Feng Qingxue asked while pouring water for her. She recognized some of the girls married by the Wanglou brigade, especially in recent years. They are married, but they don’t know many of them who got married before they got married. Hong Ling Niang only became familiar with her when she married in Caohu.

Wang Da Niu smiled and said: "It's a good thing, not a bad thing."

Feng Qingxue asked what a good thing it was, and only heard the answer: "I'm here to arrange a good marriage for your family in Guancheng. What else can this be? This girl is very good, and I'm sure your family will be satisfied."

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