Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1095 Taking advantage of the situation 6

Recently, there are almost no matchmakers in Guancheng.

This is the biggest impact that the Wang Lingzhi incident has had on Guancheng. Even the people in this brigade are like this. They are afraid that they will not be able to face Wang Xinlai's family after promising their daughter to Guancheng, not to mention other brigade people who don't know the truth?

Of course, part of the reason is that we are busy with farming and no one has time to talk about marriage.

Regarding the very good marriage that Wang Da Niu said, Feng Qingxue did not show joy as she expected, and said calmly: "My Acheng said that he has no intention of getting married now, and wants to study medicine and benefit the people. Wait a few years. , his brother has grown up, and he will think about his life-long affairs again. "

"Sister Qingxue, don't refuse so sharply! When you start a family, you start a family. You start a family first, and you start a career later. Which son of any family doesn't get married first and then start a career?" Wang Da Niu said while smiling, and said sincerely: "I have been in recent times. I’ve heard some rumors about Guancheng, and I’m telling you, it’s only then that you can clearly see people’s hearts! It’s at this time that the good people are the ones who will never leave you, and the ones who just stay away from you after hearing the gossip can’t. Deep friendship, no marriage.”

Feng Qingxue's heart suddenly moved, "I would like to know who the good family you call is." It's not what she guessed.

Wang Da Niu smiled and said, "A good family and a good girl. I told you that you will be satisfied. Her family lives in a commune, not far from the supply and marketing cooperative. Her mother works in the supply and marketing cooperative. Her name is Wu Lijuan, and she is from Guancheng. High school classmates, look at how wonderful we are, we went to high school together, we are both intellectuals, we must have a common language.”

As soon as she heard the words Wu Lijuan, Feng Qingxue completely understood Wu Lijuan's intention of instigating Wang Lingzhi to report on the Lu family and Guancheng.

Since she and Guan Cheng are classmates, she must understand Guan Cheng's character. Even if she is ruined, she will not marry Wang Lingzhi, who framed her. In this case, it will be difficult for Guan Cheng to marry a girl from a good family.

At this time, Wu Lijuan appeared and expressed her unyielding attitude towards Guancheng. Most people would definitely be moved by her.

Unfortunately, the Lu family has never been ordinary people.

Feng Qingxue smiled slightly, "Such a good girl, please introduce her to other people's good boys!"

"What does this mean?" Wang Da Niu didn't react for a moment, but when she thought about it, she realized that it was Feng Qingxue who refused, and she hurriedly said: "Oh, sister, it's not my fault, so don't be too picky. It’s always fun to be content. Lijuan is a very good girl, smart and smart. Who in the neighborhood wouldn’t give her a thumbs up and say that she is a good girl? I just think that your family is practicing medicine in Shilibaxiang. Well, I just want to introduce Lijuan to him. Most people would not be willing to act as matchmakers!"

Feng Qingxue asked back: "You already know the gossip about our family in Guancheng, so you think so highly of him?"

Although Wang Da Niu didn't have a handkerchief in her hand, she still flicked her wrist and said, "Of course, I can't trust the character of your family in Guancheng? I just trust you, so I don't care about the reputation. Lijuan's family also thinks the same way. They I don’t mind Guancheng’s reputation being ruined by Wang Lingzhi, I just hope the young couple can live a good life.”

Putting aside the ingredients, what kind of family is the Lu family now? The most prestigious family in Shuguang Commune. With a little bit of glory from Lu Jiang, a high-ranking official in the army, the nephews will benefit from it all their lives, and the families they are married to will be the same.

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