Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1096 Taking advantage of the situation 7

In fact, among Lu Jiang's nephews, Lu Tianjun is the most popular in terms of marriage.

White coat, red flag flying, four wheels and a knife.

With his uncle's connections and support, Lu Tianjun is still worried about having no future? Even if he doesn't reach the level of his uncle, he will still be an officer. There is no need to talk about salary and benefits. Whoever marries him will enjoy a lifetime of blessings.

It's a pity that Lu Tianjun is not at home. Recently, I heard that Lu Tianjun already has a partner. I don't know how many people are secretly feeling sad.

Guancheng is not bad either. Although he is not a white-coat doctor in the hospital, he is a good doctor who is well-known from all over the country.

Wu Lijuan took a fancy to the people in Guancheng, and the Wu family took a fancy to the Lu family's power.

I thought that the Lu family must be grateful for their appearance when Guancheng's reputation was in great disrepute. Even Wang Da Niu thought so, but she didn't expect that Feng Qingxue still refused, quite simply.

Wang Da Niu was anxious, "Why is this?"

You can't do this as a matchmaker, and you can't do that as a matchmaker. Isn't your vision too high?

Although Wang Da Niu is not in her natal family, many things about her natal family cannot be hidden from her ears. After all, folks from her natal family often go to the supply and marketing cooperative to sell some agricultural and sideline products, and they often chat for a long time when they meet.

Feng Qingxue said calmly: "When Wang Lingzhi framed our family and Guancheng, many people were there and everyone heard it. She said that a classmate named Wu Lijuan asked her to do this."

"What?" Wang Da Niu was surprised.

"Although the commune clerk came to convey the follow-up investigation results, Wu Lijuan did not ask her to do so, but Wu Lijuan did mention her cousin's matter to Wang Lingzhi at that time. It seemed that her cousin had taken a fancy to someone in the city, and the young man did not want to If he marries her, she will accuse him of being a hooligan, and for the sake of his reputation, he will have to endure it and marry her."

Feng Qingxue said this and continued: "So we think Wu Lijuan has the intention to remind and hint Wang Lingzhi. Sister, tell me, do we dare to marry such a girl into our family?"

Wang Da Niu frowned and said, "Lijuan is the only girl among the three generations of her ancestors. How can she have any cousins?"

"Wu Lijuan doesn't have a cousin?" Feng Qingxue asked.

"Yes, no. Lijuan doesn't have a cousin, how could such a thing happen?" After Wang Da Niu answered, she said hurriedly: "It must be Wang Lingzhi who is talking nonsense. She framed your family and Guancheng. Can you believe her words? ? It must be a false accusation against Lijuan."

Feng Qingxue said, "If the story was made up by Wu Lijuan, then it will highlight her sinister intentions!"

Wang Da Niu was speechless after hearing this.

"Sister, please take this trip out of your busy schedule. Please reply to the Wu family and ask them to choose another son-in-law. Just say... As I said at the beginning, our family in Guancheng has no intention of starting a family at the moment."

"Are you really that stubborn?" Wang Da Niu frowned.

Feng Qingxue chuckled and said: "A gentleman is true to his words. My Acheng has said so, and he will do it naturally. If we can't find a suitable partner, our children are really not in a hurry to form a revolutionary family with others. This is called wanting rather than messing up! Besides, Acheng will officially turn 20 after his birthday in half a month, so what's the rush? It won't be too late to get married in a few years."

Lu Jiang only met her when he was twenty-eight years old. If he got married very early, how could he meet such a good person? Feng Qingxue held her cheek and suddenly became as narcissistic as her daughter.

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