Wang Da Niu had nothing to say after hearing this.

Girls cannot afford to delay their youth, and outstanding gay men really have no worries about finding a wife no matter how old they are.

Guancheng is only twenty-two years old, and Wu Lijuan, like Wang Lingzhi, went to school late, and unlike Guancheng who skipped two grades in a row, she is already twenty-two years old. For now, she can be considered an old girl. I simply can't afford to delay.

Wang Da Niu came full of ambition and returned full of disappointment.

The difference is that Wu Lijuan is smarter. Even if Feng Qingxue rejected the marriage, she did not do anything unreasonable like Wang Lingzhi.

After Feng Qingxue rejected Wang Da Niu's matchmaking offer, she told Guancheng and stopped paying attention to Wu Lijuan.

The Wanglou brigade is too busy to keep busy, who has such leisure time? I vaguely heard that Wang Lingzhi’s mother had made a fuss with Wu Lijuan.

Although everyone does not allow Feng Qingxue to go to work, she will not just sit at home and do nothing. She will also be fully equipped to help dry the wheat grains on the field, sweating like rain under the sun.

It's quite cool at night, and sometimes you have to cover yourself with a thin blanket or towel, but during the day the sun is really scorching.

"It's a good year, Xibao must have brought it!" Miao Fengqin bumped the dustpan on the sidelines, separating the wheat husks from the wheat grains inside. The wheat husks were relatively light and fell together with the dustpan. , and flew out, leaving only wheat grains in the dustpan.

Feng Qingxue finished drying a large piece of wheat grains and wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Big sister, what does it have to do with Xibao?"

Miao Fengqin looked at her sideways, "Why doesn't it matter? Don't think that I don't know about your uncle and your Grandpa Lu San looking for a blind man. Look, it's Xibao's relationship. How good is the weather? Look, A large area of ​​wheat on the mountain can be cut and threshed directly into the warehouse. There is no need to dry it at all. How much manpower do you think it saves? "

"It's not as miraculous as you said. I think it's just God's blessing. Look how hot it is during the day. Everyone is sweating profusely." She secretly used the outdoor thermometer and found that it had reached thirty-five or six at noon. The temperature is high.

"It's better when it's hot during the day. I wish the sun was more poisonous. I can dry the wheat grains by turning them over in the sun!" The farmer and Feng Qingxue had different ideas. As he spoke, Miao Fengqin stared at Feng Qingxue's belly. Eyes, "Xiaoxue, I remember you were less than three months pregnant, right? When you came back from the capital, you said you were only a month old, so why does your belly look like it's three or four months old? You're already pregnant."

Showing your affection? Feng Qingxue looked down at her belly.

She has been so busy recently that she hasn't paid much attention to her physical condition. Looking at it, the bulge in her lower abdomen is indeed the appearance of a normal four-month pregnancy. Although the bulge is not obvious, it is very inconsistent with a pregnancy of more than two months.

She quickly put down the board on which the wheat grains were being dried, checked the pulse of her right hand with her left hand, and then checked her left hand with her right hand.

"What's wrong?" Wang Jiao came over after drying the wheat grains and was very curious, "Xiaoxue, I'm not telling you, you're not an old farmer, why are you doing all this backbreaking work? You're exposed to the wind and the sun."

The day was light, and Feng Qingxue's medical skills were not good enough, so she couldn't figure out anything. She happened to plan to visit Wu Zheng tomorrow and asked Wu Zheng to check her pulse. Her belly showed that she was pregnant early, and it was most likely twins. Feng Qingxue was pregnant. Qingxue retracted her hand, put down her long sleeves, and said to Wang Jiao: "Cousin, I am doing this for your own good, and you still don't appreciate it."

"How can you do this for me? I still have to work!" Wang Jiao touched her belly.

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