Feng Qingxue glanced at her belly, held up the big straw hat on her head, and said plausibly: "If I plow one more field of wheat, you and Xiaoyun will plow one less piece. You said, by doing this, I will reduce your weight." burden?”

"That's right, cousin, you don't know a good heart!" Feng Qingyun took a big broom and gently swept the surface of the wheat grains spread out to dry, sweeping away the wheat husks and other debris floating on the surface so as not to cover them. The wheat grains below were kept out of contact with sunlight, and these debris were slowly swept to Miao Fengqin's side, and then separated with a dustpan.

There are some grains of wheat among these miscellaneous things, and no one can bear to leave them alone.

"Ignore her, I'm too lazy to sleep at home every day." Miao Fengqin poured the separated wheat grains into the wheat grains being dried, and then swept the wheat husks and other items swept over by Feng Qingyun into the dustpan. A new round of promotion.

Wang Jiao stuck out her tongue towards her mother.

Father Lu was wearing a straw hat, carrying a dung basket on his back, and waving a whip, driving the oxen that pulled the stone roller. The stone roller had run over the harvested wheat, and the wheat ears and wheat straw were spread on the field.

Xibao wanted to ride on the back of an ox, but did not get Lu's father's consent.

Although Xibao is small, he is not light in weight. The old man is reluctant to add burden to the working cow.

Xibao puffed out his cheeks and his eyes flashed with displeasure.

Feng Qingxue quickly pulled him back from his father-in-law to prevent the little guy from pestering him, and then called to his daughter who was squatting in the wheat grains and playing, "Fu Bao, we are going home, let's go home and cook."

Fu Bao immediately ran over and said, "Go home and cook for grandpa, brother, aunt, but not brother."

"Why don't you let me eat?" Xibao was very unconvinced and his eyes widened.

"Brother didn't work!" Fu Bao said confidently and pointed to the place where he had just played. The wheat grains that were originally spread out were uneven and uneven. "I worked. I have food to eat, but my brother doesn't." Working without food.”

Xibao snorted and didn't care about her.

Feng Qingxue allowed the two children to bicker, as long as they didn't fight.

While cooking, she counted the days. She was on leave in March. Starting from the day she arrived home, she would have to return to the army in late June. She was worried when she thought about taking such a long train.

Being pregnant, carrying two babies, and a bunch of luggage, getting in and out of the car was really a hassle.

It was busy farming, so Father Lu couldn't be asked to see them off with him.

Firstly, it is inconvenient to take a sleeper compartment, and secondly, one less person in the brigade means one less labor force. Compared with the hard work of returning to the city, the harvest is obviously more important.

"I'll go with Sister." Feng Qingyun said without hesitation, "I will take care of Fu Bao, and Sister will just hold Xi Bao."

Father Lu was very hesitant and worried, "Is it possible for you two sisters to raise two children? I don't think it is possible."

Feng Qingxue hurriedly smiled and said: "I think it will work. Xiaoyun is not young anymore and can take care of Fu Bao very well. The weather is hot, so just bring a few changes of clothes as luggage. The food will only spoil. Eat and drink on the train." Buy it on the train and get on and off the train. Please do me a favor. I don’t have enough food stamps on me. I have to go to the city to exchange for some national food stamps.”

He Qingyin took out a handkerchief bag from her arms and put it on the table, "What kind of food can I exchange for? It's not cost-effective. This is a national food stamp sent to me by the Red Army. It weighs a full 40 kilograms. I will give it to Xiaoxue and Sister Xiaoxue to take on the road. use."

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