Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1111 Qingyun joins the army 2

When Yang Fengying, Fang Ning and others came out, Yang Fengying said, "Fang Ning, what do you think of Sister Qingxue's voice?"

"Hey, I didn't pay attention to that. Her voice is pretty nice, probably no worse than Qingxue's." Feng Qingxue performed an amazing song at the bonfire party that year, and it is still talked about by people today.

After Fang Ning said this, he paused and looked at his friend in surprise, "What? Do you have a crush on Qingxue's sister?"

Yang Fengying said seriously: "I am born with a good voice. Bai Xue, what do you think?"

Bai Xue used to be the lead singer of an art troupe. Even though she stopped working, she never gave up her practice. She carefully recalled Feng Qingyun's voice and breath, and replied: "She looks good and has a good voice. It's really hard not to join the art troupe." What a pity. Although some people in the art troupe have a bad atmosphere, they are a very small part and will not affect her development. "

The military area art troupe is near the headquarters. There are many art troupes in their army, and Yang Fengying and Fang Ning are in charge.

With these two people under strict discipline, there is no bad atmosphere in their art team.

At this point, Bai Xue glanced at Yang Fengying and said, "You are an opera singer, and what you are singing now is a revolutionary drama. It is better not to delay others. She is not suitable for learning Peking Opera at her age. Learning singing or dancing is a good choice."

Yang Fengying rolled her eyes and said nothing.

Although Bai Xue's behavior is not as annoying as before, but thinking of her good friend, Yang Fengying feels that it is difficult for her to become friends with Bai Xue. She can't forget that Hao Xiaomei had to break up with her boyfriend Zhang Jun, and then followed the arrangement of the army to marry her older The two-wheeled Commander Wu has to be a stepmother as soon as he enters the house and has to serve the old man.

Bai Xue left the capital because she wanted to leave Su Junlin's parents and two young sons behind, but Su's father and mother Su sent their children here. The two children were more naughty and mischievous than living monkeys. They were also very overbearing and tortured Bai Xue a lot.

Deserve it! Yang Fengying thought to herself.

Although it is said that acknowledging mistakes can greatly improve things, the tragedy caused before can no longer be undone. Even if the initiator changes his ways, so what? Who will seek justice for Hao Xiaomei, who suffered misfortune for no reason? Who can get her out of her unhappy marriage? Who can restore Zhang Jun's ambition after a setback? nobody.

Bai Xue didn't know what Yang Fengying was thinking. When she arrived at the door of her home, she waved to them, "Goodbye!"

She said she would give Fu Bao a necklace, so the first thing she did when she got home was to rummage through the cabinets and find her own jewelry box. Some of them were given to her by her brothers in the art troupe, and some she bought on the black market when she was in the capital. , a lot of wages are spent on this aspect. There is no girl who doesn't like exquisite and beautiful jewelry, and she is no exception.

She couldn't bear to give away this one, and she couldn't bear to give away that one. Bai Xue looked left and right, and thought they all looked good. Finally, she gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and took one out of the necklace. When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was a gold necklace.

Bai Xue likes this heavy gold necklace the most. The gold is shining and brilliant.

Rolling her eyes, she replaced the gold necklace with the worthless jade bead chain in the jewelry box.

"Now, I'm giving this to you. Isn't it more beautiful than your string of broken grass beads?" In the evening, Bai Xue ran to Lu's house excitedly and hung the jade bead chain around Fu Bao's neck. "Your broken grass beads are so black." Yes, this one is green.”

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