Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1112 Qingyun joins the army 3

After sleeping all afternoon, Feng Qingxue regained her energy and said hurriedly: "Keep such a valuable thing for yourself, don't give it to her."

Although the jadeite in this beaded chain is only of the waxy variety, the beads are not large in size, are covered with cotton, and have signs of wear and tear, but they are full of green and moist, and the beads are basically the same size. It looks like it should be a string of jadeite from the Qing Dynasty. The court beads also have commemorative stones made of tourmaline, coral, amber, agate, etc. and four pearls representing the four seasons of the year, which are of historical significance.

Bai Xue looked at Feng Qingxue like an idiot, "Expensive? I bought it for three yuan, do you think it's expensive?" That gold necklace is more expensive, okay? It weighed more than fifty grams and was worth two to three hundred yuan, so she was reluctant to give it to Fu Bao.

Feng Qingxue was choked by her words, and immediately asked Feng Qingyun to take out a large group photo from her bag and take a picture in front of her.

"What do you mean?" Bai Xue asked.

"Buy it!" Feng Qingxue said, "Although you bought it for three yuan, I can't take it for granted. If someone finds out, they will definitely accuse us of corruption." Bai Xue's mouth is not so tight.

Bai Xue curled her lips, "Three yuan is enough. Why do I need ten yuan? If you take it, I will just buy and resell!"

After Feng Qingyun heard what she said, he took out three dollars and gave it to her, and took back the Great Unity.

"My little sister is neat and tidy!" Bai Xue accepted the money and saw Fu Bao touching the jade bead chain and smiled: "Fu Bao, do you like it? Are they prettier than your broken grass beads?"

"Good-looking!" Fu Bao, who was always new and tired of the old, took off the straw bead necklace, "Mom, do I look good?"

Feng Qingxue nodded, "It looks good, but you can only wear it at home."

"Why?" It was Bai Xue who asked, frowning, "Fu Bao is so young, and it's nothing for a child to wear one or two gadgets. I see this kind of thing all the time, as long as it's not gold or silver."

Feng Qingxue said helplessly: "Didn't you notice the style of this necklace?"

"It's just a necklace. Aren't all necklaces similar?" Bai Xue looked carefully and didn't see the reason.

"This is a string of court beads. It was only worn by dignitaries in the old society. In this era of destroying old ideas and culture, do you think it is appropriate to wear such a necklace when going out?"

Bai Xue reacted instantly, "Is it the Chaozhu? No wonder you said it is expensive!"

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "If you feel you have lost money, you can take it back."

"So what if it's a court pearl? It's precious in feudal society, but it's worthless now! I bought it for three yuan, but I feel like I've lost money, so I won't take it back!" Bai Xue has hidden a lot of jewelry. He didn't care about the string of beads at all, "I gave Fu Bao the necklace, and you gave me three yuan. It's a fair deal, and no one can be bullied."

"Children are innocent!" Fu Bao, who was afraid that the necklace would be taken back, raised her hand in agreement. As for what it meant, she didn't care!

Xibao sat on the kang, with the tip of his elbow on his leg and his cheek in his hand, and suddenly said: "Where is daddy? Where did daddy go? I can't see daddy when I come back. Xibao is very unhappy, Xibao is very angry!"

"Yes, Bai Xue, do you know what mission the child's father performed?" Feng Qingxue asked.

It stands to reason that when you reach Lu Jiang's level, there won't be any big wars and there is no need for him to personally take action. However, along the way, he not only learned that he had carried out the mission, but also found that there were many soldiers missing from the military camp. He must have been taken away. few.

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