Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1115 Qingyun joins the army 6

Feng Qingxue missed the day to return and had no time to rest, so she had to take off her leave and go to work.

Fu Bao clings to her mother, following her around and never leaving her.

As for Xibao, he didn't want to stay in the hospital. He dragged Feng Qingyun around every day, introducing the military camp, the family home, the ranch, the horse farm and other places with childish words, very much like a local snake.

When her sister first came to the army, Feng Qingxue was worried, fearing that she would get lost and that people would bully her, so she entrusted them to Bai Xue.

Bai Xue had nothing to do, and she liked Xibao very much, so of course she agreed immediately and acted as a temporary tour guide. While playing on the grassland, she also taught Feng Qingyun to sing. She found that Feng Qingyun's voice was indeed as Yang Fengying expected, a natural singing voice. .

Bai Xue has a good voice, otherwise she would not be a solo singer in the art troupe.

However, Feng Qingyun's qualifications were better than hers, and she was born to be a soprano.

Feng Qingyun liked singing very much, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement.

"No one in our team can sing, and no one teaches us. All folk songs in the past have been banned. I only learned some simple songs from my sister, but I didn't dare to sing them." Feng Qingyun felt that this The trip was really worth it. She especially liked the feeling of singing loudly on the grassland. After singing the song "Ode to the Motherland" she had just learned, Xibao applauded desperately.

"Okay, okay!" Xibao, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass, had his hands turned red.

Bai Xue, who was sitting next to Xibao in the same posture, smiled and said, "Xibao, my aunt sings very well, right?"

"Yes! I can sing too!" Xibao's eyes rolled, he stood up, straightened his chest, coughed twice like an adult, and cleared his throat, "The sunset is red and the mountains are flying, and the soldiers are returning from target practice. , return the camp..."

He had a good memory, and the songs in the army were catchy. Everyone liked to tease him and taught him a lot.

This song was the one he heard the most.

Feng Qingxue sang it, and Lu Jiang hummed it every day when he was at home. The more he hummed it, Fubao would sing a few lines.

Several soldiers who were herding cattle and sheep gradually approached when they heard the song. When he finished singing, they clapped and said, "Xibao is so awesome. Xibao sings so beautifully. One more song, one more song."

Xibao is naturally crazy about being alone. The more people there are, the more excited he becomes and he doesn't have stage fright.

However, he listened to everyone's suggestion and sang a song. Instead, he pulled Feng Qingyun over and said to everyone: "My aunt, my aunt sings beautifully! Just listen to it if you don't believe me."

Facing someone she didn't know, Feng Qingyun felt a little embarrassed, lowered her head and said, "Xibao, it's you who asked you to sing, not me."

"No, my aunt is singing!" Xibao squirmed around.

Several soldiers listened, and one of them pushed out with a smile: "Xibao calls you aunt? Is it Qingxue's sister-in-law's sister? Sister, please sing, we just heard it from a distance, it's really nice."

Bai Xue also said: "Xiaoyun, come on, who is afraid of whom? We can sing and we are not afraid!"

Anyone who likes to sing doesn't like the feeling of being in the spotlight. Feng Qingyun mustered up the courage and opened her voice to sing a song she had recently learned from Feng Qingxue, called "Ode to Red Plum Blossoms".

Qiao Desheng was passing by to inspect the cavalry battalion and happened to listen.

"The art team is practicing singing on the grassland? Why haven't I heard Fang Ning say that?" The art team has special singing and dance practice rooms.

One of the soldiers following him ran over to inquire about it, and came back panting, "She's not from the art corps, she's the army commander's sister-in-law, and she's singing with Xibao. She sings really beautifully."

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