Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1116 Qingyun joins the army 7

Qiao Desheng was thoughtful and told his wife after returning home.

"Fengying was just trying to discuss this matter with Qingxue!" Fang Ning said, "The first time she met her sister, Fengying fell in love with her sister's voice. She is a good singer and has a good figure. She is also good-looking, and she is prettier than Bai Xue, especially her big eyes, which are clear and dewy, and she is very attractive. If she is suitable for singing high notes, I will accept her as my apprentice."

Qiao Desheng was taken aback, "Have you noticed me since you first arrived? Is this girl really that outstanding?"

Fang Ning smiled and said: "When you were discussing in private, you all said that the Army Chief's family is full of people, and there is no one in the whole compound who is smarter and more beautiful than the Xibao brothers and sisters. My sister is so powerful, Is it any wonder that Feng Xiaomei looks good and has a good voice? Qingxue’s singing voice isn’t bad, right? As you all know, her song at the bonfire party shocked everyone, but she was devoted to studying medicine and had never seriously studied vocal music. Just engage in literary and artistic work!”

"Yes, yes, you are right, everything is right!" Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the sons of mice can only dig holes. "But your ideas are not good. What the art troupe pays attention to now is good politics, good thinking, and good looks. On the contrary, it cannot be used as a criterion for selection. "

"Thank you Comrade Qiao Desheng for the reminder!"

Fang Ning felt that this matter needed to be resolved quickly, so she discussed it with Yang Fengying at work and visited Feng Qingxue during her break.

Feng Qingyun was sitting at the kang table, feeding Fu Bao while humming the "Ode to Coral" that Bai Xue had taught him. When she heard the purpose of Yang Fengying and Fang Ning's visit, the rice in her spoon almost reached Fu Bao's nostrils. .

"Auntie, you soiled my bib!" Fu Bao frowned.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Fubao, can you forgive my aunt?" Feng Qingyun first put the food in the spoon into her niece's mouth, then picked up the handkerchief next to her and wiped the rice that spilled on her bib. Zhazha, "You want me to be an art soldier? I'm only twelve years old, and I don't have a quota to join the army!"

Recruitment happens every year, and the number of places in their Wanglou Brigade is pitiful.

Fang Ning didn't take it seriously, "Which army doesn't have quotas for special admissions? There are medical corps, and our art team also has quotas. This year's quotas for special admissions are useless!"

Yang Fengying also said: "Yes, and twelve years old is not young anymore, and there are no art soldiers aged ten or twelve who enlisted in the army. When the art troupe performs, aren't there a lot of child soldiers on the stage? Those shows are beyond the control of adults. For performances, child soldiers are needed. I remember that there was a 12-year-old art soldier in a certain military region who was lucky enough to be selected to dance with the old leader at the age of 14 or 15. So, little sister, you are twelve years old! You are really not young anymore, you can take care of yourself, and you will get a salary after joining the army.”

"Can I make money if I become a soldier?" Feng Qingyun's eyes glowed strongly.

"Of course, as your age increases, the number of performances increases, and the level increases, the salary you receive will become higher and higher, and solo singers and backup dancers will be different." Yang Fengying replied, "Several artistic talents recruited this year There is no good talent in the army, so it would be a pity if you don’t cultivate your voice properly.”

Feng Qingxue raised her eyebrows, "Have you taken a fancy to Xiaoyun's qualifications?"

Fang Ning nodded, "I asked Bai Xue, who taught my little sister how to sing. She said that my little sister's qualifications are first-rate and she is a natural soprano. It's a pity that you didn't start cultivating her artistic talent when she was a child."

"Xiaoyun, what do you mean? Don't think about anything else, just say whether you like it or not."

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